Companions Not In Group Leveling

If you remove a companion and then add them to your group after you've leveled up a couple of times, do they not level up comparibly? Because if they don't, then you need to have the companions you want at the end to be with you during the entire game! Otherwise, you'll be level 10, and they'll still be level 3. Is that the case?!?
Once you know what you're doing it's ridiculously easy and quick to hit lvl 6+ as any class (to my best knowledge lvl 6 is the highest an NPC will scale to) and then pick up a party of well leveled characters.....the only problem though is that thieves will put all their points in Pickpocket, hide, and MS, and almost none at all in locks and traps..which is pretty bad. So if you're a thief, go to town soloing...if not...duo with Immy, Safana, or Monty. Those are the 3 earliest thieves if memory serves..though Monty will level slower due to mutli-class.
And..if you're a cheesy bastard..the only item in the whole game you actually need is Algernon's cloak (I've actually done a "Nude" solo using nothing but the cloak on a times)...everything else is optional.
The other drawback to late comers is you don't get to choose how they have leveled up along the way -no max hps might not have optimal weapon choices etc.
I'd say if you know who you want go get them asap and stick with them or else have a swap plan - like Branwen early and swap her for Yeslick later.
It definately makes the real late comers from BG City more difficult to plan for.
Or you could always cheat.
BG2 had a few respawning wilderness baddies, but not many and certainly not worth the XP you need at those levels.