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[Bug] Feedback Text: Character Selection Text

mantaavoidmantaavoid Member Posts: 6
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
It appears that this cannot be disabled, or the functionality to disable this feature does not work.
Video Uploading:

O/S: Win7 Pro x64
Baldur.ini not read-only

Behaviour is consistent when:
tested with Enhanced Feedback in Baldur.ini set to 0
tested with Enhanced Feedback in Baldur.ini set to 1
Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • mantaavoidmantaavoid Member Posts: 6
    Well, looks like the functionality exists under the toggle for "Sound Options\Character Sounds", not the "Gameplay Options\Feedback".

    Disabling "Character Subtitles" removes the Selection Text entries in the Battle Log. It isn't logically located - please correct.
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