Dorn super cheesy trick - no turning back

His only weakness is his low constitution, hence his defense. Give him the claw of Kazgaroth and the -2 constitution penalty will not affect him because between 9-14 constitution there is no difference in amount of HP. Armor class increases and saving throws get insane.
There it is, the last act to put Dorn in unbeatable mode.
There it is, the last act to put Dorn in unbeatable mode.
But with better rolls I agree, Dorn should get the claw.
No it's not, 12 con gives the same HP as 14 con
More cheesy is the idea of taking the cursed belt that raises strength to 19 but reduces intelligence to 6, and using it on a character with an intelligence lower than 6, effectively raising both stats. But even that isn't something I'd call super cheesy.
As has been mentioned, Dorn is like Shar-Teel, he is not a tanker, and the claw doesn't magically turn him into one, it just makes a moderately more survivable blitzer.
Maybe I'll put her in drizzt chain, if it's worth the risk.
Anyone else dislike the blur visual effect? I always disable blur on the claw and the cloak of displacement.