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hmm the "new" talk to NPC thing.

the new feature were you are abel to "force" Dorn Neera and Rashaad to talk to you.

To me it really feels out of place, it seems you get alot of dialog loops and it just feels strange.
id wish they would remove it
....or atleast change it somehow.

what do you think ?


  • AraminaAramina Member Posts: 64
    How do you force their dialogue exactly? Is it just by trying to talk to them? They get stuck in silent spells on most of my save files.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    yes. you just talk to them with the mouth icon. (though most of the time they have nothing to say)
  • RiolathelRiolathel Member Posts: 330
    what i found annoying was how every now and then when i entered a new area one of them would start talking to me and i just didn't care to learn about them... it's very minor but i ended up getting rid of Rasaad cus of the annoying dialogue he always had. Plus he was very squishy for a melee character and really useless at level 1-2
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    I gave him a sling and bullets and he adds some range damage while leveling up.
  • AraminaAramina Member Posts: 64
    @etagloc thanks, I figured that was it, guess they really don't want to talk to my char *sadface*

    The force-talking kinda reminds me of the Solaufein mod. Wasn't really a fan of it, but it was a nice change from leaving my game open and watching tv for an hour to get the next talk for something.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Hahahahahahaha oh dear god this thread cracks me up.

    Everyone always complains about lack of NPC interaction and now that there's more of it, there's people whining about it.

    You really can't please everyone, if you can ever even please anyone.
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    ye the only reason i tried it was because I just finished IWD with the Npc mod installed,
    it uses the same force talk.
    that is a pretty good mod though, only reason i could finish IWD
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    maybe my english is just bad.. but thats not really what i am trying to say,

    I really enjoy NPC interactions but seeing the same lines 2-3 times in a row feel out of place in a BG game. id rather they just randomly interrupt like they use to.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    what is "force talk"?
  • AraminaAramina Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2012
    etagloc said:

    maybe my english is just bad.. but thats not really what i am trying to say,

    I really enjoy NPC interactions but seeing the same lines 2-3 times in a row feel out of place in a BG game. id rather they just randomly interrupt like they use to.

    I'm having issues in my games where they're not interrupting at all :( I have Dorn and Ajantis in my party the whole game and they don't even give each other the evil eye. I've been waiting for Dorn to kill him for DAYS now, and my char's CHA is only 10.

    Hmm....can you force-talk a battle to the death?

    And forgot to add my actual reply to what I quoted. Whoops! It could be a bug if they keep repeating the same lines over and over.

  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
    i have the same "problem" i have rashaad and viconia in my party, and they havn't spoken a single word to each other.

    And no i dont think you can force-talk a battle, most of the time it dosnt even work.
  • VarilVaril Member Posts: 14
    My NPCs are pretty silent too. Rhasaad hasn't said a peep since late chapter 2. Neera did a little better, and gave me her personal quest but shortly after she stopped talking. My attempts at force-talking never work, though.
  • DeviijaDeviija Member Posts: 37
    Force-talk has never worked for me. The game says that they have nothing to say. I'm close to the home stretch end of the game, and I'm beginning to really worry if all the patching and game-playing has messed up my playthrough somehow. The NPCs just don't talk at all anymore.

    I managed to get two chats out of Rasaad until the encounter in Baldur's Gate that leads into his quest. Finished his quest. Now he's been silent for ages. In total, then, we've only talked twice and then had quest-dialogues. :C There has to be more to it than that, right?

    I did Neera's Quest and met Melkin in Baldur's Gate. That's where she went silent. We haven't chatted since that escapade. With her, however, I have gotten about four-ish casual conversations with my PC as well as the quest chatter. Is that all?

    With Dorn, I did his questline and he has had about 3 or 4 post-quest casual chats with me. I say 'chats' but really it's just him telling his betrayal story and stopping every few sentences to 'cool off' before he can continue the tale. Never saw anything where I could start up a romance with him in the dialogue choices... Unfortunately. But he's now silent, too, and I know he at least has his tale to finish.

    Are these chats tied to passing in-game timers, or do they also parallel main quests? Do the new companion characters have banters or chat with other original campaign companions, NPCs, or each other? I haven't seen this happen except for Ajantis reacting to Dorn when I first recruited him and Dorn mentioning that Neera might be untrustworthy and she told Charname not to listen to the 'big bully.' That has been it the entire game. I was hoping for more. Am I just missing content from bugs and sundry? Is there a way to use the console to force dialogue talks or set romance or reset dialogues?

    I'm curious to know others' experiences to compare with my own and determine if I need to restart, load an early save, progress further in the story, keep sleeping/idling in hopes they'll chat again with me, or what.
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