Did the skill system change? And minor complaints and ramblings of some nature

Hello all! I'm enjoying BG:EE so far, I was lucky enough not to run into any major bugs or technical issues like I read many did. But however everything isn't perfect. I did not play alot of BG1 as it did not work on my newest computer the last 3 years. Otherwise I always did a BG2 complete once a year atleast since, oooohhhh 2003 or 2004?
But I'm pretty sure something is changed with BG1 skill point system, as I noticed I couldn't put more than 2 points into any weapon spec as fighter at the beginning.
And Coran as a multi class should be able to have 5 points in longbow? or he used to be able atleast, altho its probably 5 years since I last played bg1 with Coran so I might be wrong about that. Couse right now it doesn't make sense why he started with 3 in longbow and 2 in longsword when he joined. But neither skill can be increases further... I had to put my next skill in one hand fighting.
My minor complaints (except the first one, my only major complaint!) about BG:EE is the new spellbook. I'ts awful... Absolutely awful... The BG1 original spell book was no work of art either (compared to bg2 spellbook) but this new one has icons that looks like it was made in windows paint! An other issue I have is the journal, I seriously hope when BG2:EE comes out you will keep the original spellbooks AND questbook/journal. Couse don't fix something that isn't broken! Even tho the journal is not to my liking, it's still a superior upgrade to the messy nature of the original one BG1 had.
Also alot of the items right click artwork/picture/drawn thingy, is missing. My helm of glory (which is now named something else for some reason?) and the helm of infravision + several other items I dont remember in the top of my head. Most of these name changes I dont understand why was made. Not that it's negative or anything, but the nostalgic was kinda taken out for me in a few ways (boots of grounding might not be a really awesome name, compared to talos gift or what it was changed to, but it has nostalgic value to me!)
But I'm pretty sure something is changed with BG1 skill point system, as I noticed I couldn't put more than 2 points into any weapon spec as fighter at the beginning.
And Coran as a multi class should be able to have 5 points in longbow? or he used to be able atleast, altho its probably 5 years since I last played bg1 with Coran so I might be wrong about that. Couse right now it doesn't make sense why he started with 3 in longbow and 2 in longsword when he joined. But neither skill can be increases further... I had to put my next skill in one hand fighting.
My minor complaints (except the first one, my only major complaint!) about BG:EE is the new spellbook. I'ts awful... Absolutely awful... The BG1 original spell book was no work of art either (compared to bg2 spellbook) but this new one has icons that looks like it was made in windows paint! An other issue I have is the journal, I seriously hope when BG2:EE comes out you will keep the original spellbooks AND questbook/journal. Couse don't fix something that isn't broken! Even tho the journal is not to my liking, it's still a superior upgrade to the messy nature of the original one BG1 had.
Also alot of the items right click artwork/picture/drawn thingy, is missing. My helm of glory (which is now named something else for some reason?) and the helm of infravision + several other items I dont remember in the top of my head. Most of these name changes I dont understand why was made. Not that it's negative or anything, but the nostalgic was kinda taken out for me in a few ways (boots of grounding might not be a really awesome name, compared to talos gift or what it was changed to, but it has nostalgic value to me!)
Multi-class should not be able to put more than 2 pips in a single weapon...if coran has 3 pips in longbow, then its not legal. But it may be his "special" thing (Like Kagains 20 con)