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Rate the BG Saga Joinable NPCs from your most favorite to least favorite!

LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
So you've been asked your favorites, you've been asked your least favorites, but what about EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN? Here is the place to make a list where you rank ALL the NPC's from most favorite to least favorite! I've spent the last 20 minutes compiling my list, and when I had to rank some of them, the results actually kinda surprised me (For example, I kind of took Khalid for granted and never really thought about just how damn fond I was of him and Jaheira.)

...Note that I have not yet had the chance to play BG:EE so the current places for Neera, Dorn, and Rasaad are based entirely on first impressions, what I've seen so far, and how much I like the concept. Their places on the list may change radically once I actually have them in my party.

...Others may change one or two places from time to time, but nothing too drastic.

I have even added ranks, to show how much I like them--figured that'd make it easier, since it's not exactly an even scale. There are very few characters I dislike.

(-Rank 1: Really freaking love these characters.-)
1. Xan
2. Alora
3. Cernd
4. Khalid
5. Edwin
6. Jaheira
7. Imoen
8. Jan Jansen
9. Haer'Dalis
10. Kivan
11. Garrick
(-Rank 2: I am very fond of these characters.-)
12. Aerie
13. Quayle
14. Ajantis
15. Nalia
16. Mazzy
17. Yoshimo
18. Minsc
(-Rank 3: I like these characters.-)
19. Xzar
20. Yeslick
21. Rasaad
22. Faldorn
23. Neera
24. Tiax
25. Branwen
(-Rank 4: I have slightly positive feelings toward these characters.-)
26. Coran
27. Viconia
28. Valygar
29. Shar-Teel
30. Dorn
31. Anomen
32. Dynaheir
(-Rank 5: My feelings toward these characters are completely neutral.-)
33. Keldorn
34. Skie
35. Montaron
(-Rank 6: I have mildly negative feelings for these characters.-)
36. Sarevok
37. Korgan
38. Safana
(-Rank 7: I dislike this character.-)
39. Eldoth
(-Rank 8: I may occasionally deny this character's existence.-)
40. Kagain

...Now it's your turn! I want to know where everyone is on your list! How you feel about these guys! Yeah!

Besides, lists are fun. Everybody loves lists. You should all make some lists.

Also if you have particularly strong feelings toward a specific character, feel free to give them their own rank. I sure did. I can't tell you which character though because I am pretty sure he doesn't actually exist.


  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Rank 1: Jan, Edwina, Minsc, Viconia, Sarevok, Korgan
    Rank 2: Dorn, Xzar, Tiax, Keldorn, Safana
    Rank 3: Jaheira, Mazzy, Neera, Branwen
    Rank 4: Xan, Shar-Teel, Alora, Imoen, Faldorn, Kagain
    Rank 5: Cernd, Kivan, Ajantis, Yoshimo, Rasaad, Dynaheir
    Rank 6: Haer'Dalis, Nalia, Montaron
    Rank 7: Yeslick, Khalid, Aerie, Coran, Valygar, Quayle
    Rank 8: Garrick, Eldoth, Skie, Anomen
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    Yeah sure, why not.

    1. Xzar
    2. Tiax
    3. Branwen
    4. Yeslick
    5. Yoshimo
    6. Montaron
    7. Quayle
    8. Jan Jansen
    9. Edwin Odesseiron
    10. Sarevok
    11. Minsc
    12. Kagain
    13. Viconia
    14. Ajantis
    15. Dorn
    16. Jaheira
    17. Shar Teel
    18. Kivan
    19. Korgan
    20. Imoen
    21. Xan
    22. Mazzy Fentan
    23. Alora
    24. Faldorn
    25. Keldorn Firecam
    26. Coran
    27. Safana
    28. Dynaheir
    29. Valygar
    30. Aerie
    31. Eldoth Kron
    32. Anomen Delryn
    33. Haer'Dalis
    34. Khalid
    35. Nalia
    36. Skie
    37. Garrick
    38. Rasaad
    39. Neera
    40. Cernd

    This was a little difficult to compile at times and some npcs will no doubt jump a spot or fall a spot depending on my mood at the time but that's where everyone stands more or less.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    90% of people will place
    Cernd, Garrick, Khalid, Alora in group - Rank 8 , because they hate them :-)
    Actually, they are the worst and weakest NPC's of all time!
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited December 2012
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. :)
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited December 2012
    Great descriptions for all of them, I like how you go in depth.

    Honestly, the reason I don't like Kagain...well. He may not be a dwarven stereotype, but he is another kind of stereotype...
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Great descriptions for all of them, I like how you go in depth.

    Honestly, the reason I don't like Kagain...well. He may not be a dwarven stereotype, but he is another kind of stereotype...

    Thanks for taking the time to read them!

    Greedy bastard. Yup. I think the line for me is drawn where that stereotype is revealed through his storyline and his rare lines, instead of through selected and actions a la Shar-Teel. If I literally clicked him and he said "GOLD? GOLD?" I would probably get pretty annoyed in due time. Instead he just complains mildly in a chill voice, which is a whole hell of a lot less grating for me.

    That's usually what kills these guys for me... lol, Korgan "Hmph! I've killed fer less." "Make the dwarf bloody do it." etc ... STFU!!
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460

    - Alora (Hey there, Hi there! Her personality is like Imoen on steroids)
    - Branwen (Her voice always reminded me of Storm from the 90's X-Men cartoon)
    - Haer'Dalis (I'm a sucker for thespian extraordinaires)
    - Kivan (Clint Eastwood incarnate)
    - Viconia (The best romance-able NPC)
    - Xan (The perfect foil for pretty much everyone)
    - Xzar (I don't understand half of what he says but I love that)


    - Edwin (The Edwina quest is iconic)
    - Eldoth (Love to hate this guy. Makes for a great verbal punching bag if you have Garrick, Xan and Shar-Teel)
    - Garrick (I love him for the love triangle her provides)
    - Mazzy (I love characters that break the mold, the faux paladins are the best paladins)
    - Shar-Teel (I can't help but like this emasculating dominatrix, nice get of jail free card too)
    - Skie (I greatly prefer her over Imoen, love her connections to the aristocracy)
    - Tiax (So incredibly annoying but he never gets old)


    - Coran (Half the elf Haer'Dalis is)
    - Dynaheir (There's something too haughty about her)
    - Faldorn (I like her more than Jaheira but then again that's because she is elicits no response)
    - Imoen (I resent her being such a big focus of BG2's plot)
    - Jaheira (Such a patronizing omnipresent autority figure)
    - Keldorn (The only true paladin that doesn't get on my nerves)
    - Montaron (I prefer my halflings upbeat but he makes a great foil to Xzar)
    - Safana (A little too vampish)
    - Yoshimo (Love him for being a thief, hate him for dying)


    - Ajantis (Generic do gooder)
    - Cernd (Native American caricature and deadbeat dad)
    - Jan (tl;dr)
    - Khalid (Single personality trait: Coward)
    - Minsc (Like a joke told for the hundredth time)
    - Quayle (Poor man's Tiax)
    - Sarevok (ToB is a little late for me to get to know him)
    - Valygar (His quest is like a jumble of D&D elements without really saying much)


    - Aerie (I hate Cleric/Mages, I hate her whining and I hate her anime looks)
    - Anomen (What's there to like?)
    - Nalia (The worst mix of cockiness and insecurity)
    - Yeslick (Dwarfs are my least favourite race)
    - Kagain (Dwarfs are my least favourite race)
    - Korgan (Dwarfs are my least favourite race)
  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    (Rank 1) - Love
    1.Mazzy - Love the voice acting, love the attitude, probably my favorite of all NPCs. Always in my party if playing good.
    2.Nalia - I can see why most people hate her, but I love her storyline and actually enjoy her personality because it is real.
    3.Imoen - Maybe it is just because she is the PC's sister, maybe it is because "Right as rain" is one of my favorite lines.
    4.Minsc - You know why. Everybody knows why. Minsc is one of the first things that comes to mind when I hear "Baldur's Gate."
    5.Xzar - Probably the funniest character in either game for me. Every line of dialogue he speaks cracks me up.

    (Rank 2) - Like
    1. Jaheira - Like her character, like her storylines, can never seem to not have her in my party.
    2. Khalid - Most people hate him. I find him endearing somewhat. I had a really bad stutter when I was a kid.
    3. Viconia - Favorite romance. Favorite cleric. And I just really like her character.
    4. Coran - Dunno why. Just like him.
    5. Tiax - Love his character. If he didn't late to the point of uselessness he would be one of my favorites.

    (Rank 3) - Meh
    1. Edwin - Don't really like him, don't really dislike him. I kill him in any game where I am playing a good party.
    2. Yoshimo - Funny dialogue, but he isn't a permanent group member, and he there is that whole betraying you thing.
    3. Xan - Funny dialogue. Never play him, though.
    4. Montaron - Has his moments with Xzar. Sometimes hilarious moments. But never really grew fond of him.
    5. Jan Jansen - Don't find him particularly entertaining, but he is the only permanent thief who advances in BG2. Cool gear.
    6. Branwen - No real opinion. She is average in every way in my eyes.
    7. Kivan - Don't like him as much as everybody else, but I appreciate his power.
    8. Saravok - I always want to take him for ropleplaying reasons, but by the time I get a party to TOB, I can't replace anyone. -.-
    9. Dynaheir - Meh. I usually want her dead so I only get Misnc.
    10. Korgan - Good evil character. I just don't run evil that often.
    11. Ajantis - If I want to run with a paladin, I will normally being the one playing him. Or I will have Saerileth.
    12. Yeslick - No real opinion.
    13. Alora - Too happy.
    14. Kagain - Meh

    (Rank 4) - Dislike
    1. Valygar - Not a bad character, but the delivery of his lines is sooo awful. I can't stand to have him in the party.
    2. Keldorn - He is a douchebag to his family and if I want a paladin in the party I will be playing it or I will have Saerileth.
    3. Anomen - Just a douchey, cocky attitude. Not fond of his character at all.
    4. Skie - As somebody else said, she is Nalia without the backstory or redeeming factors.
    5. Shar-Teel - I don't like angry feminists.

    (Rank 5) - Hate
    1. Aerie - I hate everything about her character and sometimes I come up with excuses to kill her even while playing a good party.
    2. Quayle - Useless. Annoying. Connection to Aerie. 3 Strikes.
    3. Cernd - He turned me off so much from the get go that I never even invited him into my party. Haven't played as him to this day.
    4. Faldorn - Hate her. Ugly and bitchy. I enjoy it when Jaheira killers her in BG2

    (Bards) - Don't like them
    1. Haerdalis - Hate his character, hate his appearance, hate his class. Hate him.
    2. Garrick - Nothing against him aside from the fact that he is a bard.
    3. Eldoth - See Garrick.
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    In order of love-hate up to bottom -

    My Cohorts in Crime
    1 - Minsc
    2 - Xzar
    3 - Immy
    4 - Yoshibro
    5 - Sarevok
    6 - Yeslick
    7 - Cernd (he like totally Crn'd you!)
    8 - Mazzy

    My most esteemed co-partners
    9 - Nalia
    10 - Haer'dalis
    11 - Monty
    12 - Khalid (not the scimitar thrower)
    13 - Coran
    14 - Korgan
    15 - Keldorn
    16 - Valybro

    The Switzerland League
    17 - Alora
    18 - Garrick
    19 - Kagain
    20 - Faldorn
    21 - Quayle
    22 - Skie
    23 - Eldoth
    24 - Shar-teel
    25 - Vic (not the mechanic from Fallout 2)
    26 - Jan
    27 - Xan
    28 - Dynaheir
    29 - Branwen
    30 - Edwin

    Death Alley
    31 - Tiax
    32 - Ajantis

    Septuple Damage Backstab Alley
    33 - Kivan
    34 - Anomen
    35 - Jaheira
    36 - Aerie

    Did I mention everyone?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited December 2012
    Waifu tier:

    God tier:
    Edwin, Jaheira (BG2 only), Xzar

    High tier:
    Jan , Ajantis, Dorn, Xan, Shar-teel, Kagain, Keldorn, Safana

    Mid tier:
    Minsc, Montaron, Jaheira (BG1 only), Nalia, Anomen, Khalid, Korgan, Valygar, Neera

    Low tier:
    Kivan, Yoshimo, Haer'dalis, Branwen, Coran, Rasaad

    Shit tier:
    Mazzy, Yeslick, Tiax, Faldorn, Sarevok, Skie, Garrick, Eldoth, Alora, Cernd, Dynaheir, Quayle, Aerie

    Not even real tier:
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Also, this is an awesome idea for a thread.
  • DeviijaDeviija Member Posts: 37
    edited December 2012
    Oh my goodness, this will take me a while to put together. Let's see...


    1. Mazzy
    2. Aerie
    3. Branwen
    4. Xan
    5. Khalid
    6. Yoshimo
    7. Ajantis
    8. Minsc
    9. Alora
    10. Faldorn

    (Dorn would go somewhere in this category as well)


    11. Keldorn
    12. Imoen
    13. Dynaheir
    14. Yeslick
    15. Anomen (when romanced, otherwise I'd move him to 19)
    16. Kivan
    17. Edwin
    18. Valygar
    19. Cernd
    20. Xzar

    (Rasaad would go somewhere in this category as well)


    21. Shar-Teel
    22. Haer'Dalis
    23. Anomen
    24. Viconia
    25. Jan
    26. Montaron
    27. Skie
    28. Garrick
    29. Quayle
    30. Tiax

    (Neera would go somewhere in this category as well)

    Wish Never Was In The Saga

    31. Sarevok (role in the game is fine, just shouldn't have been a party companion, imo)
    32. Kagain
    33. Coran
    34. Korgan

    UGH, Not Even Worth Mentioning

    35. Safana
    36. Eldoth
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Quartz said:

    Great descriptions for all of them, I like how you go in depth.

    Honestly, the reason I don't like Kagain...well. He may not be a dwarven stereotype, but he is another kind of stereotype...

    Thanks for taking the time to read them!

    Greedy bastard. Yup. I think the line for me is drawn where that stereotype is revealed through his storyline and his rare lines, instead of through selected and actions a la Shar-Teel. If I literally clicked him and he said "GOLD? GOLD?" I would probably get pretty annoyed in due time. Instead he just complains mildly in a chill voice, which is a whole hell of a lot less grating for me.

    That's usually what kills these guys for me... lol, Korgan "Hmph! I've killed fer less." "Make the dwarf bloody do it." etc ... STFU!!

    No, not just...greedy bastard. Greedy bastard businessman who happens to have a the slightest hint of a Yiddish accent. There was a time when I tried to tell myself I was just hearing things and making a big deal about nothing, and the accent wasn't really there, I was just imagining it, but then when I introduced the game to my friends, it was the first thing they noticed about him. . -c .
    I just find it kind of offensive, okay? And maybe I am being a butthurt little prude about this whole thing, but that's the way I feel about it.

    ...Also, on a happier note, I am totes loving everyone's lists!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012
    @LadyEibhilinRhett Nah that's legit. It's not like you're running around preaching said frustration, you only vented it after me pressing matters so ... yup.


    I'm still waiting for someone else to put Minsc real low like I did. I liked ajwz's list though, hahaha "Waifu tier," "God tier," "Shit tier." Amazing.
  • Raistlin82Raistlin82 Member Posts: 256
    edited December 2012
    Rank 1, FREAKING LOVE:
    Dorn, Edwin, Keldorn, Korgan, Minsc, Sarevok, Viconia

    Rank 2, VERY FOND:
    Dynaheir, Shar-Teel, Xzar

    Rank 3, LIKE:
    Branwen, Haer'Dalis, Kagain

    Rank 4, KINDA LIKE:
    Ajantis, Alora, Mazzy, Montaron, Valygar

    Rank 5, INDIFFERENT (haven't used them yet):
    Coran, Eldoth, Garrick, Kivan, Neera, Rasaad, Safana, Skie, Yeslick

    Rank 6, KINDA DISLIKE:
    Aerie, Imoen, Khalid, Nalia

    Rank 7, DISLIKE:
    Anomen, Cernd, Faldorn, Jaheira, Jan, Quayle, Tiax, Xan, Yoshimo

    Nobody. No character deserves this. Not even Anomen. Fans stubbornly refusing parts of the canon is one of the most infuriating things ever, in any work of art.
    Post edited by Raistlin82 on
  • MurrayConfederacyMurrayConfederacy Member Posts: 188
    I'll be posting my rank one because I am lazy (sorry!):

    Xzar, he is crazy and I love crazy people.

    Shar-Teel, I really love her for some reason, probably because of her character in BG1 NPC Project.

    Tiax, He is a useful class, I just wish his thief skills were put in the right place when you pick him up at higher levels.

    Chaotic Evil FTW!
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    characters I like and use
    Jan Jansen

    Characters I like but can't ever seem to find a place for.

    Characters I don't like but use some times any way.

    Characters I just never got a chance to use much

    Characters I don't Like and don't use
    [b] JAHEIRA [/b] "I hate this woman she is the resign i don't use Khalid"
    Tiax (but he is amusing at first)
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Re-posting with some more detailed descriptions.

    (-Rank 1: Really freaking love these characters.-)
    1. Xan - I just. I just really love Xan, okay? He's my favorite character. I love how he's so melodramatic and over the top. I just. I love everything about him. I've got some pretty extensive headcanons about him, since I roleplay as him regularly with my friends, so I couldn't write something in depth without blurring canon with my headcanons and with fanon from the mod. Though the blurring with fanon part is something I need to watch out for with all the BG1 NPCs since it's been ages since I've played without the BG1 NPC project. Also because if I start writing a bunch of stuff about Xan I might not be able to stop. And then we would have a big unwieldy tl;dr and we don't want that. I will say that I disagree with some parts of Kulyok's characterization of him, though, even if most of it is excellent.

    2. Alora - Is the most adorable ever. Seriously guys, Alora is like my spirit animal or something. Overenthusiastic optimism for the win! I also think the dynamic between her and Edwin is absolutely precious. Also, I love her interactions with other party members, especially in the BG1 NPC project.

    3. Cernd - I like Cernd because he's got this subtle, biting sarcasm that just goes straight over most people's heads (probably because half the time it's wrapped in bad nature proverbs). I don't remember what the exact dialogue was, but Cernd has been my favorite character ever since he delivered the most amazing, stinging remark I'd heard the entire game to Anomen, but he did it in such a calm, subtle, casual way that Anomen didn't even realize he was being horribly insulted. Since then I started paying more attention to his lines and realized that he was sharp, witty, and hilarious, and it was only made more hilarious by the fact that most of the other NPCs didn't even begin to pick up on it.

    4. Khalid-Khalid is just adorable, okay? And he's a lot braver than most people give him credit for. I mean, just look at him--they guy's absolutely terrified of everything and yet he keeps on fighting. I have actually only had Khalid suffer from morale failure once. Got a lot of respect for this guy, stutter and all.

    5. Edwin - I actually used to kind of dislike Edwin. But then I started roleplaying with my friends. One of my very best friends in the world roleplays as Edwin regularly, and she does an excellent job of it. All those RP sessions have just given Edwin a whole new dimension for me, and now he's one of my favorites.

    6. Jaheira - Jaheira's up this high because I do try to roleplay through my games. And so many times, she and Khalid have served as...almsot sort of parental figures to my CHARNAMES. Not all of them, but a good deal of them. I've gained a whole lot of respect for Jaheira, and I kind of look up to her. She's a strong, confident woman, and not in that cheesy stereotyped ANGRY FEMINIST way like Shar-Teel is.

    7. Imoen - Oh come on guys, how can Imoen not be high up on the list? She's your little sister, and the only one who won't leave you no matter what kind of reputation you get or what you decide to do. She's also super-fun and bubbly. I was devastated with what happened to her in BG2. But, it's good to see she started recovering from all that in ToB and started to return to being the same old Imoen we all know and love.

    8. Jan Jansen -So many fun stories, and he has a LOT to say to pretty much EVERYONE. So many of the things he says are absolutely HILARIOUS, and playthroughs with Jan on the party are always the most filled with laughter of any playthroughs I do.

    9. Haer'Dalis -Haer'Dalis has fallen from my esteem in recent years after realizing just how shallow he could be, but at the same time, he's a really fun character. And an actor, to boot. I grew up in a theatre family, so I guess I kind of feel some sort of connection to him because of that. ...Also I was originally introduced to the BG series because I saw a picture of Haer'Dalis online during a google search for tieflings. I clicked on the picture because it looked interesting and there was a description of the character. I was compelled to do more research and ended up deciding I needed to play these games. So, no matter what happens, I don't think I'll ever be able to dislike Haer'Dalis, because if there were no Haer'Dalis, I may have never played BG in the first place.

    10. Kivan - Kivan is a total BAMF. 'Nuff said.

    11. Garrick -He is so adorable, and I love his lines. Also, I just really like bards, okay?

    (-Rank 2: I am very fond of these characters.-)

    12. Aerie- Sure, I may complain about her whining a lot, and all of that stuff, but dammit, on my first playthrough, of course I was roleplaying stuff out, and Aerie ended up becoming CHARNAME's best friend. That is now my headcanon for that CHARNAME. BFF's with Aerie. And I guess maybe it's because I don't go romancing her except that one time by accident, so I didn't hear most of her whiniest stuff. I've also seen a lot of admirable stuff in her, too--she's got a lot of conviction to her ideals, and you can really see that in the later portions of her relationship with Haer'Dalis. That's another thing I really like-the dynamic between her and Haer'Dalis. And since he's usually in my party...yeah.

    13. Quayle - One of my favorites in BG1. He annoys the HELL out of EVERYONE in the party, and for some reason I find that absolutely hilarious. It's like ten times more hilarious with the BG1 NPC project, when Imoen totes pranks him that one time.

    14. Ajantis - He's an adorable widdle babby paladin okay and that is awesome.

    15. Nalia - Let her join because I needed a thief/mage while Imoen was in Spellhold. Let her stay because she has some totes awesome character development.

    16. Mazzy - I really like paladins, okay? Even fake ones. And Mazzy is the bestest fake paladin ever.

    17. Yoshimo - I found him to be an agreeable individual, I loved his lines, and I have to admit, I just sort of...bonded with the folks I met in Chateau Irenicus. They are my amazing awesome companions who helped me out and stuff. I was devastated by his betrayal, and I still am even now that I see it coming.

    18. Minsc - Honestly in BG1 I really didn't like Minsc. He was just all over the place and stuff, and the whole lol-so-random mentality really isn't all that funny. He just came off as this loose cannon who was a danger to himself and others, and also kind of crazy. Also he and Edwin don't exactly play nice, so that's another minus there. But I actually played BG2 first. And, I REALLY liked Minsc in BG2. Yeah, he was big and dumb and still really random and all about hamsters and buttkicking, but he really felt friend. My protector. Someone I could trust. I could actually BELIEVE he was good aligned in BG2. So yeah, didn't like BG1 Minsc, but BG2 Minsc made up for it enough to earn him a somewhat high spot on this list.

    (-Rank 3: I like these characters.-)

    19. Xzar- Xzar is fun. Xzar is really fun. And I love his dialogue. He is probs the most fun evil guy in the whole game to play.

    20. Yeslick- I will be the first to admit that Yeslick is a little boring, but he's a really nice guy. Sure he's a little slow and a little gullible, but he's steady and he knows how to keep his head about him. That and he is just an all around good guy. I think what makes me like Yeslick so much is that he is someone I would REALLY want to be friends with in real life. And other characters are like that too, but it just kind of stands out with Yeslick.

    21. Rasaad - I think monks are cool, and I love the idea of monks, but I've never actually played one in any D&D game before. I'm excited about the idea of having a monk in the party. I also love the voice clips of his I have heard so far, and his backstory. Also, I may or may not kiiiinda think he's hot. Once I play BG:EE, I'm really hoping he moves up this list. I really am.

    22. Faldorn -Never actually had her on my party before, but I've been hearing more and more about her and I want to pick her up on a playthrough in the near future. I've just become more and more enchanted by this militant druid with the totally chill voiceset. And I just. I just really want her on my party, okay?

    23. Neera - I love playing wild mages. So Neera's another one I'm really looking forward to.

    24. Tiax - Tiax is just fun. Not as fun as Xzar, but still fun. Love all his lines.

    25. Branwen -Branwen usually spends a good amount of time on my party in the early game. I really don't have a reason like I do the others, I've just...kind of gotten fond of her.

    (-Rank 4: I have slightly positive feelings toward these characters.-)

    26. Coran- I like his character design, and he's kind of cool. I would be totes fine with keeping him on the party, if there weren't so many other awesome people.

    27. Viconia - Vicky is interesting. I like her as a character, but I don't use her that much, and don't see what the huge fascination with her in the fandom is all about.

    28. Valygar - He always felt kind of bland to me, and the whole 'hates mages' thing is a huge turnoff for someone whose party is usually at least halfway made up of mages. At the same time, I think he's pretty cool, and the interaction between him and Mazzy is great.

    29. Shar-Teel -Interesting concept, but overdone. Pushed into the 'positive feelings' section just because the first time I ever met her the strongest man on my team was Khalid, and so she pretty much just lands one really heavy hit on the guy and he starts running around screaming and then the fight was over and she was just like wow that was pathetic. For some reason I found this absolutely hilarious.

    30. Dorn -I dunno, he just sounds p. cool. Defs someone I want to pick up on my next evil playthrough.

    31. Anomen -He tries really hard, okay? He's just a very confused, troubled young man who needs guidance. Also some of the interactions with other characters are HILARIOUS and often contain jokes at his expense.

    32. Dynaheir -The dynamic between Dynaheir and Minsc interests me, and I often wonder how she must feel traveling with the guy now, since she probs knew him before his head wound. It's actually kinda tragic, so I've got some sympathy for her. She also strikes me as very refined and dignified. She would be way higher up on this list if she weren't such a stuck-up BITCH sometimes.

    (-Rank 5: My feelings toward these characters are completely neutral.-)

    33. Keldorn- Never had him on my party, actually. Just, never got around to it I guess. Was too busy hanging out with Mazzy, who is the BEST paladin despite not actually being one.

    34. Skie - This is like that version of neutral where it's actually a lot of good and a lot of bad and they just balance each other out. I REALLY want to like Skie. I really do. I love the idea for her character, the concept, the backstory. I love the way Garrick falls head over heels for her. I feel really sorry for her because of what she has to put up with from Eldoth. But at the same time, she's just. REALLY annoying. ...Also you have to have Eldoth in your party to get her. ELDOTH.

    35. Montaron -Eh. Just, Eh. I never got to know Monty that well. The playthrough where I had him and Xzar in my party, he got chunked fairly early on, and it felt sorta like cheating not to roleplay it out. Also because he kind of scared me so I was not sure if I wanted him back but whatevs.

    (-Rank 6: I have mildly negative feelings for these characters.-)

    36. Sarevok - So I was stupid and didn't really pick him up for that long in ToB, so a lot of my feelings about him are just influenced by BG1. Yeah I am a little leery of him. He did try to freaking kill me after all.

    37. Korgan - Just. Boring, stereotypical evil guy. He's like the kind of evil that has this big neon sign over them saying HEY I'M EVIL! And like at least once a day they have to be all like oh did I mention I was evil lets go kick some puppies and shit. That kind of evil.

    38. Safana -Is far too oversexualized.

    (-Rank 7: I dislike this character.-)

    39. Eldoth - Sometimes, Eldoth may score higher on this list as one of those deliciously nasty characters I just love to hate, but, invariably, I can only stand him for so long, and there always comes a point where I just get so disgusted with the guy that I can't even stand to have him in the party anymore so I kick him out and I just do not want to see his horrid, chauvinistic, sleaze-bucket face for another 20 playthroughs or so.

    (-Rank 8: I may occasionally deny this character's existence.-)

    40. Kagain -I find him an offensive stereotype, as I said earlier.
  • ZphalZphal Member Posts: 4
    LOVE <3:
    Xan (My babbuuu~)
    Khalid (dat stutter is too cute and he makes a great front-liner)
    Haer'Dalis (Another babbu >w< plus bard is a favorite class of mine)

    Aerie (love her versatility, but her dialogue gets annoying if you play a ♂ PC... Her romance with Haer'Dalis is adorable <3)
    Edwin (hilarious personality to go with that sexy amulet...)
    BGI Imoen (HEYA~! I swear, nothing can douse her optimism.)
    Kivan (Don't bother me...)
    Yoshimo (he grew on me after initial irritation that he was the only real option for a thief :\)
    BGII Viconia
    Xzar & Montaron (They exist as a single entity to me, like a married couple)

    Anomen (It's a love-hate thing, averaging out XD)
    Garrick (oh the amusement of effeminate guys)
    BGI Viconia

    Mazzy (gurl, where u get ur hair did?)
    BGII Imoen

    Burn in Hell
    Jan Jansen (and his turnips, too)
    Quayle (Yeah, I'll feel your 'amazing brain'... by splitting your skull with an axe and dragging my boot through them)
    Nalia (your quest is dumb, you are dumb, and I hate you)
    Tiax (Tiax drools.)
    [[Notice Nalia is the only person here who isn't a Gnome.]]

    Haven't played them much/at all:
    Ajantis (Looking forward to trying him though)
    Neera (Looking forward to trying her though)
    Coran (Looking forward to trying him though)
    Dorn (Looking forward to trying him though)
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    My top 5 only

    1. Montron
    2. Xzar
    3. Tiax
    4. Edwin
    5. Shar-Teel
  • RickerzRickerz Member Posts: 7
    1. Viconia
    2. Kivan
    3. Coran
    4. Imoen
    5. Xan
    6. Minsc
    7. Edwin
    8. Sarevok
    9. Neera
    10. Jaheira
    11. Branwen
    12. Anomen
    13. Montaron
    14. Valygar
    15. Dorn
    16. Yoshimo
    17. Xzar
    18. Mazzy
    19. Khalid
    20. Rasaad
    21. Safana
    22. Nalia
    23. Ajantis
    24. Aerie
    25. Korgan
    26. Yeslick
    27. Eldoth
    28. Jan Jansen
    29. Haer'Dalis
    30. Garrick
    31. Shar-Teel
    32. Alora
    33. Keldorn
    34. Tiax
    35. Kagain
    36. Dynaheir
    37. Cernd
    38. Faldorn
    39. Quayle
    40. Skie
  • Arsene_LupinArsene_Lupin Member Posts: 181
    Wow, you guys are hardcore. I've played BG1 a half dozen times or so and I've maybe only played around with 14 or 15 of the NPCs.

    My favorites, from most to least, are:

    1. Minsc!
    2. Jaheria (dat sexy portrait)
    3. Boo!
    4. Imoen (hated her in BG1, though)
    5. Viconia
    6. Keldorn
    7. Neera
    8. Edwin
    9. Firkraag
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited December 2012
    Ok, I decided to go into a bit more depth too. Btw, I'm reading everyone's lists (and secretly judging how much I like them as a person, depending on how highly they rank Sarevok) so keep em coming.

    Viconia - I definitely don't write erotic fanfiction about her *whistles innocently*. Plus she is seriously awesome as a character, her romance is the best in the game and she has the most intriging backstory too. I have a thing for drow.


    Edwin - Very well written sarcastic mage who is easy to relate to. More mages should be portrayed like this, even non-evil ones. He is the best spellcaster in the game too, and has a rather interesting sidequest.

    Jaheria - Much better in the 2nd game than the first, she fills an excellent role in a lot of my parties as a competant fighter and healer. Plus her character writing and development is excellent.

    Xzar - Xzar is mad but not in a "lol so random XD" way. It's kind of cool to see this done right for a change. It makes you really wonder about his back story, and why his is travelling with montaron. I would love him to be fleshed out a bit more.


    Jan - Again a very relatable character, and pretty entertaining, particularly in his interactions with other party members. I guess him and edwin are closest to how I generally roleplay (I often roleplay mages). He is not just comic relief though, and his personal story is pretty dark and hints at a great conspiracy which you only really touch on a little.

    Ajantis - I like how he is just kind of starting out as an adventurer, he feels a bit like charname in that respect. I like paladins in general too, and he seems to favour more the "Good" part of being a paladin, rather than the "Lawful" part.

    Dorn - Surpisingly well written. I like my blackguards irrefutably evil, not just misguided. He is pretty sinister and has the sort of obsession with power and mistrust of others that I would associate with his class. He is seriously powerful as a fighter too.

    Xan - Mainly for his moonblade.

    Shar-teel, Safana - I kind of have a "thing" for powerful and controlling women. Hence Viconia and these two rank pretty highly.

    Keldorn - He isn't my favourite personality, but his personal story was really heartwrenching and well written. He is also a very powerful fighter.

    Kagain - He is what I contend should be the most common form of evil character - the self interested and greedy evil, which is almost always overlooked when people write evil characters. Plus I like his helmet.


    Minsc - He is pretty entertaining the first few times he is in the party. After that gets a bit boring though. I might have rated him higher but yeah, his ascension to an almost Meme status amongst the fan base can get pretty annoying.

    Montaron - I'm always fascinated about him and Xzar, but Xzar kind of overshadows him. There is an overabundance of thieves early on in bg1 as well, so unfortunately he tends to get overlooked when I am planning my parties

    Nalia - She is really well written in terms of character development, and I dont find her annoying. Her ring is nice too. Her 4 levels in thief are kind of useless though, and I think she does tend to say stupid things a bit too often to make her a high tier character.

    Anomen - He just seems quite realistic and undergoes a lot of development. I like how you can influence his final outcome too. But yeah, he is kind of annoying to romance, is not the most interesting npc in the world, and Jaheria tends to make him redundant

    Khalid - I like his stutter and the fact he is a little cowardly. Seems more how a low level fighter should be. I dont like the fact he is married to Jaheira though, or that he is relatively weak as an npc.

    Korgan - Glorious scottish accent. His alignment doesn't fit his personality though, plus he bugs you too much if you dont finish his quest.

    Valygar - A nice katana wielder, and a good friend if he actually joins. But a bit emo for my tastes.

    Neera - I really like her personality - I think I would get on well with her in real life. Wild mages are a bit too unpredictable for my liking though


    Kivan - Pfft. Way too over rated. Also too emo. Seems like he was written by a 13 year old.

    Yoshimo - He dies halfway through, leaving you without a thief. Plus the whole betrayal thing doesn't work in his favour

    Haer'Dalis - I do like his flowery poetic use of language, and the fact he belongs to the doomguard faction. Very shallow though, and very ineffectual.

    Branwen, Coran - Very vanilla, very boring

    Rasaad - This ranking was a bit harsh, I've warmed to him slighly, but he feels a little out of place in the setting. Plus he has the tendancy to rush ahead of the party and get himself killed.


    Mazzy - Pfft, laughable. Worst paladin in the world.

    Yeslick - Boring ineffective, and surruptitiosly naked when he joins.

    Tiax - *Sooooooo* edgy

    Faldorn, Cernd - No one likes druids that are obsessed with nature. It just isn't realistic. Plus they are not very good.

    Skie - Pretty self explanatory, although I rarely actually use her.

    Garrick and Eldoth - are bards. I dont like "classic bards" in the same way I dont like "classic duids"

    Alora - I dont think I have ever actually recruited her so maybe this rating is too harsh, I don't know

    Dynaheir - I just rescued you from a grisly fate, so you ought to treat me with a bit more respect. I have no idea what minsc sees in you.

    Quayle - yes, I would hurt a gnome

    Aerie - Least favorite female character - Shut the hell up stop whining about your wings like a spoiled brat.

    Sarevok - Least favourite male character. Oh god, where to start. I think I have made my feelings clear on ToB in other threads. I should probably have given him his own "Craaaaaawling in my skiiiiin" tier

    Imoen - I don't comment on NPC's that are not real
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Just my overall favs.

    1. Jan - Ridiculously awesome in combat (shocking, I know), and due to his hilarious banters with everyone will fit in a party regardless of who else you bring. If I use a party, Jan is always a part of it.

    2. Sarevok - An excellent role model base for the proper way to play an evil character (especially chaotic), and he just kicks ass (also capable of the highest damage, self-buff only, backstab in the game).

    3. Yoshimo - He's a bounty hunter, and they are AWESOME. My only regret is that his intended quest line was cut short. You were supposed to eventually get the option to get him back..still don't why they didn't just include some lines for it at the end of his current questline..less epic then intended, but it would get the job done.

    4. Xan -Awesome in BG1 (much less so in BG2 if you have the mod, but still decent), and his constant pessimism tickles me for some reason.

    5. Eldoth - Almost a role model for a non-spoony bard.....if you can overlook how massive of a jerk and dick he is. Still the game is pretty boring without a little inter-party conflict and Eldoth gets on EVERYONE's nerves...some more so then others.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    edited December 2012
    Golly what a time sink of a thread ...

    (inside the ranks the characters are in no particular order)

    Rank 1 -

    Viconia - a very fleshed out, original character with flaws and interesting inner turmoil
    Xzar - again, a very original character, hilarious and nice comedic value in a not so sickly way
    Nalia - a very flawed and conflicting personality that grows, flawed characters are intelligently designed
    Eldoth - fantastic voice set, great character concept, very believable, nice side mission and special

    Rank 2 -

    Skie - I feel as if it's my duty to protect Skie after all she's lost, she has great potential
    Safana - like Eldoth she has a great voice set, nice character design reflected with her special ability
    Kagain - a stellar companion to have, has amazing constitution and has a very endearing nonplussed attitude
    Shar-Teel - great, great, great, love her banters with Eldoth (i.e. her male equivalent) and her heritage twist

    Rank 3-

    Haer'Dalis - Blades are ace, lovely character design with a flair of awesomeness and fancy
    Yoshimo - although it saddens me how he exits this play, he becomes more interesting because of it
    Edwin - purely for the power and his hilarious side mission
    Faldorn - another sucker for her voice set, Druids are underused in BG, she can be very powerful
    Branwen - the voice actress needs an award, like her personal involvement with the story, tight character
    Montaron - deliciously evil in an adorable bite sized form, comes with Xzar too - bonus!
    Jaheira - the game does a great job of making you feel attached to her, she is an interesting one more so in BG2

    Rank 4 -

    Cernd - purely for the potential he has, shame Shapeshifters are really really poo, his story is beautifully tragic
    Korgan - funny at times, mainly this high up because he lives in Kagain's shadow
    Anomen - rarely play a female PC and when I do I tell him to stfu, then he's decent, like to fail his story too
    Dynaheir - again, another sucker for voice sets, I like her canon party involvement and her tragic end
    Sarevok - nice story arc from beginning of the game to the end, don't like his jump from evil to good though

    Rank 5 -

    Imoen - suppose it's not her fault, I like her presence and worth in BG2, but prefer her silent clone in BG1
    Xan - like his moonblade and how useful he can be, but I'd rather have two other arcane casters, sadly
    Valygar - he's a bit like vanilla, totally inoffensive, best thing about him is his story and class
    Jan Jansen - funny for a time, very easy to skip past his ramblings, great and original character design though
    Quayle - actually bumped him up, funny personality, odd cameo in BG2, nice class combo

    Rank 6 -

    Garrick - similar stats as Eldoth but Eldoth has a nice special, Skie and is better with bracers of dexterity
    Khalid - he only really makes sense alongside Jaheira, nice stat spread though, love his tragic end
    Tiax - I like Cleric/Thieves and Tiax is fun although a little transparent, his cameo in BG2 is amazing
    Coran - particularly boring for me, his dexterity and illegal longbow points are nice though
    Alora - I don't not like her, a bit sickly, her dexterity, race and rabbit foot (that now works) are nice though
    Yeslick - a very powerful character, a little heavy on the stereotype though, never have space for him

    Rank 7 -

    Mazzy - ugh
    Minsc - fuck no
    Aerie - fodder for Viconia
    Kivan - oh shut your pie hole
    Ajantis - only here because he reminds me of ...

    Rank 8 -

    Neera - haven't used her
    Rasaad - killed him to sell his boots, haven't used him
    Dorn - in my current party, don't know enough though
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    In no hugely particular order, as I am a creature of moods.

    Awesome: Xan, Neera, Edwin, Jan Jansen, Minsc
    Great: Mazzy, Yeslick, Aerie, Yoshimo, Imoen
    Good: Kagain, Valygar, Coran, Dorn, Viconia, Kivan
    Decent: Jaheira, Khalid, Keldorn, Sarevok, Korgan
    Meh: Alora, Cernd, Xzar, Branwen, Mortaron, Ajantis, Rasaad (Default starter position, haven't spent much time with him yet).
    Lame: Dynaheir, Skie, Safana, Shar-Teel, Garrick, Eldoth
    Irritating: Nalia, Haer'Dalis, Quayle, Faldorn, Tiax
    Anomen: Anomen.

    On the top three tiers:

    Xan's depressing, melancholy and cynical, plus he rocks out with a badass mage specialisation and wields a magic sword only he can use. Awesome.
    Neera's cute, irresponsible, irrational, incorrigible, and a lot of other things beginning with i. Plus I always liked Wild Mages, but never wanted to have to roll a single classed character to do so, works out for me.
    Edwin's a collosal jerk, an epic mage, and busts out some of the best lines in the series. He's constantly getting taken down a peg too, which is nice.
    Jan's stories are another highlight, and I like the fact that his eccentricity is clearly a front for a cunning and devious individual.
    Minsc is great too, I guess I'm a sucker for the comic relief characters like Xan and him.

    Mazzy is probably my favourite Paladin in any setting, she's dedicated, noble and earnest, plus she's a halfling badass with a bow.
    Yeslick is steadfast, earnest and dependable, and with Dexterity gauntlets and Ashideena, he's one of the most solid and dependable tanks in the game.
    Aerie I like because you can actually watch her character grow. I think someone called it right when they said she should have started as a level 1 character just starting out, rather than a level 7+ character whose issues should be moving towards resolution by that point, not just starting. She's sweet, caring, she does have positive qualities despite her insecurities, and she's a Cleric/Mage for absolute power overwhelming.
    Yoshimo was a genuinely nice guy I found, easy going, a bit of a braggart, and the plot twist was novel.
    Imoen is Imoen, she's almost always in my party because I can't bear to leave the little squirt out.

    Kagain is hilarious. Lawful? You travel one screen North with him, he shrugs and gives up his quest so he can stalk you. I see him as an antisocial, foul smelling and greedy drunk who's too stingy to pay more than ten gold pieces for anything. The fact he's a great tank is not lost on me either.
    Valygar's underdeveloped. He's quiet, mysterious and kind of a badass. I like him for those qualities, but he could have been great.
    Coran gets points for breaking the rules like a boss, though I can't say I appreciate the womanising traits or the deadbeat parenting, he's arguably the most powerful non-mage in BG1, bows being as awesome as they are in it. Since he's a great candidate for Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, he's a pretty versatile character overall.
    Viconia is sort of annoying, but in a forgiveable way. She's abrasive and arbitrarily mean, and Drow are a race of angsty teenagers as far as I'm concerned and she's not really an exception. But hey, she's a great cleric and she's pretty witty, so she gets a pass from me.
    Dorn is pretty cool, he's not quite what I'd consider a "fun", and it's kind of jarring how laid back the champion of darkness is about my do goodery (and I still don't like level 1 NPCs starting with +2 weapons). It's nice to see an evil character who just takes that and makes it theirs though.
    Kivan is almost as badass as Coran with a bow, and being quiet and badass is a winning combination. Plus he doesn't have hair like Coran does.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited December 2012
    Only group ranking, otherwise not ordered.

    Rank 1 - OMG, yes, gotta LOVE them!
    Edwin - Awesome comic relief and got damn that sexy beard and these eyes! (talkin' 'bout bg1 portrait here). And that sexy accent in his german version. *swoon*
    Viconia - I just love her icon cold way to deal with other characters. I am so gay for her.
    Sarevok - Gotta love ma bad boys.

    Rank 2 - BFF and stuff.
    Korgan - Dwarf: check. Wit: check. Bloodlust: check. Awesome voice: check.
    Jan Jansen - Comic relief FTW
    Minsc - See Jan Jansen. Also Boo.
    Shar-Teel - I like women who kick ass.
    Dorn - A canidate for Rank 1. Gotta play through the whole game first, though.
    Keldorn - Reminds me so much of my Grandfather. They even look alike. Well, not the scars, but still...
    Montaron - He is just that evil little backstabber. Love him.
    Xan - I guess we all know why he is awesome.
    Alora - Cutsy Wootsy x3 Also love her BG1 NPC Project banter with Edwin.

    Rank 3 - Heya, buddies.
    Yoshimo - Why, Yoshimo, WHYYY???!!! D':
    Imoen - She is lovely but can be a pest sometimes.
    Xzar - See Xan.
    Rasaad - I like his calm appearance. A nice contrast to all those hot blooded and witty other NPCs. His accent also reminds me a lot of Guru Pattik from Avatar ;)
    Khalid - He sucks in battle, but I like his character.
    Branwen - If Viconia didn't existed, she would be my favourite choice for a healer.

    Rank 4 - Nice to meetcha.
    Garrick - Yay for "Holy Grail" reference :D
    Quayle - If his stats just wouldn't be sooooo bad.
    Ajantis - Perfect example for the idiot Paladin. Love it.
    Mazzy - She is nice, but a bit boring.
    Yeslick - I like his apperance in the BG1 NPC Project. But his stats are bad.
    Neera - A bit annoying, but I like her quest. Red wizards FTW!
    Tiax - Because he is Tiax and he rules.
    Kagain - A bit plain, but very usefull.
    Jaheira - She has some fun dialouge (especially with Edwina), but she can be annoying sometimes.

    Rank 5 - I just don't give a crap.
    Haer'Dalis - I like his character, but his quest is anoying and bards are useless in BG.
    Kivan - Whine whine whine. Angst angst angst. But very usefull in battle. His romance mod is also very interesting.
    Faldorn - Never had her with me.
    Coran See Faldorn.
    Valygar Just boring.
    Dynaheir See Faldorn.
    Safana See Faldorn.
    Eldoth See Faldorn.

    Rank 6 - Meh.
    Aerie - Whine whine whine whine whine whine. Edwin is a better mage and Viconia a better Cleric.
    Anomen - ANOYMEN. Nuff said.
    Skie - "Let's go shopping!" NO.

    Rank 7 - GTFO.
    Cernd - *sigh* Boring. Also prone to be killed.
    Nalia - "Let's go help the poor!" Yeah. right. She's also kinda useless.

    Rank 8 - Go f*cking f*ck yourself.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    What does Edwin sound like in the German version anyway? I've been trying desparately to find recordings everyone's German voices, but so far all I've managed to find is one voice sample from Imoen and a video clip of someone recruiting Xan.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    edited December 2012
    Well, first of all, all characters that reappear in BG2 as joinable NPC's (Edwin, Jaheira, Minsc, Imoen, Viconia ... eh ... am I missing sombody?) have been revoiced in BG2. HALLELUJAH. The voice acting in BG1 is just so horribly baaaaad. Especially Minsc and Imoen. Viconia and Jaheira ares passable and Edwin is ok.

    Here's a .zip file with four soundfiles. My three favourite lines ones plus his introduction line from when you meet him the fist time at Mea'Var's place:

    I am really not shure, were his accent comes from, but I love it. I noticed that he also has an accent in the english version, were does this one come from?

    Fun Fact: Edwin has the same voice actor like Superman in his last movie :D
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