should "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" folder be created in My Documents during installation?

I've noticed that for the computer I have that the game is crashing, the installation does not create a "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" folder in My Documents. (That's the folder with Baldur.ini.) Is that folder populated after you press the Play button on the launcher? Or should it appear upon installation? I've uninstalled/reinstalled over half a dozen times, and this folder doesn't appear.
On the computer that I have on which the game runs fine, that folder is there, obviously. I guess I'm just asking how it gets there.
Could the explanation for my crashes be as simple as the installer not creating that folder?
By the way, I did try copying that folder from the computer on which the game runs -> compter that the game crashes, but to no avail. The computer still crashes when I press the Play button in the launcher.
On the computer that I have on which the game runs fine, that folder is there, obviously. I guess I'm just asking how it gets there.
Could the explanation for my crashes be as simple as the installer not creating that folder?
By the way, I did try copying that folder from the computer on which the game runs -> compter that the game crashes, but to no avail. The computer still crashes when I press the Play button in the launcher.
C:\Users\NAME\Documents\My Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
is supposed to be created upon installation of the game?
Because this is not happening for me. And if the lack of that folder's existence is causing my crashes, then how might I fix it?
For example I am unable try adding
'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1',
'Window', 'Full Screen', '0',
into Badlur.ini because the folder that contains Baldur.ini wasn't created upon installation. Nor is it created after the computer crashes.
The computer I had planned to play BG:EE on crashes when I try to play BG:EE:
ASUS P5B SE motherboard (specs)
Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20 GHz (specs)
NVIDIA GEForce 8600 GT (specs)
2.0 GB RAM
Windows 7 Premium Home (32 bit)
For this computer I have updated the Intel chipset driver, NVIDIA graphics card driver, reinstalled OpenAL, manually forced the graphics card to the NVIDIA setting (versus the CPU, via the NVIDIA PhysX control), and turned off V-sync. I have uninstalled/resintalled over half a dozen times to no avail. That is basically everything that is outlined here:, plus some direction from Philip Daigle. I have also emailed the diagdx file to Beamdog support. I have tried reinstalling with each new patch.
I cannot email the .dmp file because the crash folder exists in the folder that never gets created.
I am now wondering it the problem is as fundamental as the above required folder not being created during installation.
If it's bothering you that the folder is not created during installation and this might cause the problem... well, why not create it by yourself?
I realize there's a lot to digest in what I posted above, but I did state the following in the topic starter: Thanks for your response @Durlachion. That's two players now advising that the folder is generated by pressing the Play button, so I suspect it is the case.
Confirmation from a dev would be appreciated.
So... yes, I think one could say it is a bug...
What does it mean especially for you: Simply create Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition by yourself. After that it should save the crashdumps
Good Luck!
'Graphics', 'OpenGL Version', '1',
'Window', 'Full Screen', '0',
but it still crashes.
I then created a "crash" folder there, but still no good. No .dmp file showed up there after the crash. I keep getting a blue screen crash when I try to run the game.
How is your documents folder configured? Have you done anything like folder redirection or are using a program that syncs your my documents to cloud storage?
For the My Documents folder in question, in Properties I set it to default just in case. Still the crashes.