Trouble getting Rasaad's quest to trigger *Spoilers*

I've parked Yeslick by the Flaming Fist headquarters and am currently travelling around getting all the new EE NPCs quests done. I've completed Dorn's and Neera's with no real problems.
However, I can't get Rasaad's quest to start. He's not been in my party long but we've had the "how did you join the Order of the Sun Soul" conversation. I've been wandering around the docks in BG during day & night, nothing is currently happening. He's inside conversation range with my PC at all times, I can't see any NPC or area that stands out as being a trigger. I might just be being dense, that happens sometimes.
Is there a specific location in the Docks that I'm missing, or a specific NPC to talk to?
However, I can't get Rasaad's quest to start. He's not been in my party long but we've had the "how did you join the Order of the Sun Soul" conversation. I've been wandering around the docks in BG during day & night, nothing is currently happening. He's inside conversation range with my PC at all times, I can't see any NPC or area that stands out as being a trigger. I might just be being dense, that happens sometimes.
Is there a specific location in the Docks that I'm missing, or a specific NPC to talk to?
Dorn is first found in the Friendly Arm Inn, ground floor. Talk to him, but he won't join you. Then you just need to head to the Nashkel Mines and he'll show up en route. His quest is fairly straightforward but if you get stuck look for "Taris" in Nashkel.
Neera's quest is initiated by dialogue so if you've got her in the party just travel around a bit, complete some quests and eventually she'll tell you about Adoy. Once you've heard about him you should get Adoy's Enclave showing up on your world map. I'd recommend being at least level 5 or so before going though, as the final encounter is a bit tough.
I've had him in my party since Nashkel, had the 2 conversations, and been to the docks (spoken to EVERYONE, been there day and night, left/came back numerous times) and there is still no trigger.
Any thoughts?
If you still can't find it make sure you found the note on the dark moon Monks in Baldur's Gate, it might be on Sorrem as well.
I think the dialogue you need to ensure the docks encounter triggers is about his brother and their rather disastrous mission to Athkatla. If you've had both the joining the order and the Athkatla dialogues then entering the docks should cause the encounter to begin.
Spoilers (not sure where you are)
Note 1 tells yout where to find Sorrem
Notes 2 and three are both found in the last battle and point toward the cloudpeak mountains
It is hard to see. When traveling there, travel south from the Nashkel Mines area.