Can run Guild Wars 2 without a hitch but BGEE stutters and lags... :(
I have been looking forward to this game since I first heard about it and it really does look great but its stutters and lags like crazy. I have had no white screens or issues like that. Just stuttering audio and movies and gameplay is laggy. I have an intel HD integrated card with a 1st gen i5 Processor. I understand you are having issues with OpenGL. But there has to be some sort of solution out there if a games like diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 can run on this laptop. I really hope you guys figure it out soon cause I want to play this game so badly.

The only thing I could think of would be going in to your baldur.ini file and changing:
'3D Acceleration', '1'
To read:
'3D Acceleration', '0'
It's unlikely to help (if it does anything) but it was a fix with the old BG for a number of visual issues. (Actually, it was preferable to run the game without 3D acceleration because it was so buggy back then.)
did the '3D Acceleration', '0' tip from elizabeth work?