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Mods BGEE, only in english ?

KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
edited December 2012 in General Modding
I'm french and in the tlk file, all characters like é, è, à, ê, â, ô... are replaced by è, é, ô, ù...

If I create a new dlg (with TCEP or NI) and write something like :
- Vous êtes quelqu'un digne de confiance.

In game, I have :
- Vous

What is wrong with BGEE ?...
Post edited by Kerozevok on


  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    Nothing is wrong with BGEE... its the tools. Give it time.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    @Avenger_teambg What do you think of that ?
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Try to look @ the French tlk and strings to see if you can imitate them and get the same results.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    Yes if I type è, é, ô, ù... there is no problem.

    But it's not *really* a solution, I'm french, not an martian.
  • ArcticArctic Member Posts: 76
    Its a common programing problem, you use a diferent set of characters , the game make a combersion to show them , but in the code, you will need to put the è, é, ô, ù, it dont understand the other simbols.

    You can use a text editor , then use a convert all for those characters, and paste that.

    (sorry english)
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    Oh I see. Well Arctic found a nice workaround.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    Thanks for your answer @Arctic, but do a "search & replace", whereas before there was no problem with the infinity engine & the editors...... hmmm.
  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Actually, the reason is probably due to the encoding of the file.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,438
    Yeah, I ran into a similar problem trying to match the fancy 'o' that BGEE uses in 'ninjato'. WeiDU and my text editor dont' even recognize it and use a funky A and a special space, but if I use those in the tp2 file it shows up just fine in game.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited December 2012
    It's not possible to patch the engine ? Because currently in "french" (if i can call that "french"), that stings the eyes :
    D'après nos constatations, il n'est pas difficile de comprendre vos motivations. J'ai entendu dire que vous avez tenté de mettre carrément tous les malheurs de la Côte des Épées sur le dos du Trône de Fer. J'en déduis que vous et vos amis êtes des assassins au service d'Amn. Peut-être avez-vous été envoyés vers le nord pour semer la discorde dans la région avant une invasion amnienne. Mais cela importe peu ! Vous et vos amis allez être envoyés à la Porte de Baldur où vous recevrez la punition que vous méritez.

    As player, it's not a problem, but for a modder or a translator...
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    As @Cuv said, the game recognizes these characters just fine, it's the tools you're using to read and modify the .tlk that need to be updated.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    TCEP & NI already recognize these characters for all IE games.
  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    I do not have BGEE yet. However I checked the updated French tlk file provided by SaphirAngel after extracting it with WeiDU --traify-tlk. All special characters seem to be encoded using UTF8. At least that is what Notepad++ says and the presence of two characters for one, the first being always the same is consistent with UTF8 too.

    My assumption is you could go around the current mod issue by converting the tra files into UTF8 coding. You'll need a tool for that. Linux has iconv for that purpose. On Windows, you can find ports of iconv too. I know Codepage Converter (, with GUI. It requires .Net.

    Since the original games do not like UTF8, if this assumption is right, this means mods would need to maintain two sets of tra files, one in the original codepage (Windows 1252 for Western Europe, I think), one in UTF8. That is, until WeiDU can handle that conversion on the fly when BGEE is detected.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    Autrement dit, ça craint.

    (welcome to the forum Isaya)
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