Monks are wimpy at BG1 levels. No doubt about that. But I do like him personality wise, and He's kind of fun to have along with Viconia so far. They actually get along in an odd sort of way (to the point their initial banter pulled him into my group without me even choosing to invite him along)
I like the character, but his functionality is of course sub-par. He's now level 4, and finally he starts to be at least *somewhat* useful, as a mage-killer or secondary frontliner.
I couldn't find a place for him in my current lineup. I feel that I he might be a character I'd add when I finally got to Baldur's Gate. Level 2 monk was just too weak.
I had trouble keeping him alive for early levels, but I am really enjoying watching him get more powerful. Rasaad at level 2 was rough, having a melee guy with 12 hp and no helmet is a bad situation. One critical from a kobold at that point and he's pretty much done. I probably should have had him chucking darts until level 3 or so.
That being said though, he really gets a lot better when he hits level 6. At that point he gets the -1 AC bonus plus another -1 vs missile, another half attack, his fists upgrade to 1d10. Now he's at 2 APR when Dorn is still at 1.5.
He makes a really good scout when he succeeds his stealth check, having him stealth and scout around with his innate speed is awesome. Good for ambushing archers too, have him attack an archer from stealth to make them put their bow away before they can shoot.
I know that everything he can do some combination of fighter and thief can do better, but It has been a different, fun experience bringing him along and keeping him alive. Looking forward to him getting Lay on Hands at level 7
I'm running with him. With the gloves of Dex he has the same AC as Minsc in plate so he's not too bad survival wise. I do wish he could wear a helmet, and that Monks got the benefit from Single Weapon Style though
Personality wise he's proving quite interesting, though I haven't had any banter occurring. Maybe I should invite Viconia back rather than Branwen for a while
Dorn and Rasaad are both great characters, but I can't tell yet, who I prefer. Neera on the other hand is a pain in the ass, guess it's due to her voice. Dorn and Rasaad are both calm so their voices are different from the classic NPCs, but still very fitting. Neera, well, her voice is like a needle stinging in your ears everytime she opens her mouth.
I intended on playing with all three new characters, but I found Rasaad rather boring. Other two I love. I might pick him up again to do his new content.
Rasaad is okay. I like the monk aspect, he's a bit weak, he has something like 2% of the kills in my party, it's pretty bad for a fighter and he can't be compared to Dorn ability. He would have been perfect with a bit more of humourous quotes. I was very disapointed to see their is no interections between the 3 new characters...
I like him, mostly because he reminds me so much of Avatar. I also adore his accent "'ello, I'm Guru Pattik!" hehe. My first thought when I met him for the first time.
What is that about the Viconia and Rasaad banter anyway? I havn't had even one (I am currently in the clockwood forrest).
But his mother is dead...and his father...and his brother.
Fan theory time...
Actually, this might not be such a good idea since they guy who wrote him is still active on these forums.
Suffice to say, I don't think his mother is dead. I have evidence supporting this, but I'll hold off for now. Maybe bg2 will illuminate the issue a bit more.
But his mother is dead...and his father...and his brother.
Fan theory time...
Actually, this might not be such a good idea since they guy who wrote him is still active on these forums.
Suffice to say, I don't think his mother is dead. I have evidence supporting this, but I'll hold off for now. Maybe bg2 will illuminate the issue a bit more.
He's great! It's like having Deepak Chopra adventuring with you. Oh wait. Maybe not. (so great)
But seriously, he's a different sort of character. He's interesting.
He doesn't take as much damage as I feared he would, so he's not a disaster. He's actually getting twice as many kills as Viconia (who I have wearing ankheg armor and wielding Ashedeena; maybe I should have her using a sling instead).
I still haven't gotten his quest and I have him at level 5 now. I look forward to see how he develops through his quest.
I have no idea if i like him or not. First bug i have run into, about halfway through the game. He wont rejoin my party after dismissing him..well he joins then says bye, then walks up and asks if I want him to join, then says bye, repeats as long as I say yes.
I got banter when I recruited Viconia first, the Rasaad. She spoke when recruiting Rasaad, and often during his quest. She also interjected while I was talking to Dorn - this was a bit after finishing Dorn's quest.
I like Rasaad as a character, his story and personality are what keep him around. He does improve somewhat at later levels.
My only complaint about him so far (aside from the obvious low-level monk issues) is that extra fast running he does. He's ALWAYS running ahead of my tank, which makes things difficult :P
Otherwise I love the guy and I can't wait to see him shine in BG2:EE
I have seen a few mentions of him doing what I described. I did not think they would make him leave if Vic was in your party since she is a popular character.
It's sort of a running joke with me and my party. He's the red shirt. There's your first stereotype for Rasaad. (I suppose I can change his main color to red right? Hrm...) I just kind of wish they made him dark skinned so I could make the horror movie stereotype come true too.
I don't love him. I have no problem with his power, because he's more of a project anyway, but I found him a bit dull to be honest. I may be in the minority, but I found Neera to be the most entertaining of the three. I currently have her and Dorn in the party.
Steal the second scimitar from Drizzt that gives a 2 bonus to armor and give it to Rasaad. Together with 1 handed style he gets quite useful. Personality wise, I like him, being powerful or not.
You learn to play to his strengths. He can aggro the heavy hitters with his increased speed, leading them into snares/Dorn/Minsc/what have you. If the situation allows it, have him hide in the shadows behind a mage and have him use stunning blow before they can get their buffs up.
We'll see how it works out in the long run.
The personality is great, though.
That being said though, he really gets a lot better when he hits level 6. At that point he gets the -1 AC bonus plus another -1 vs missile, another half attack, his fists upgrade to 1d10. Now he's at 2 APR when Dorn is still at 1.5.
He makes a really good scout when he succeeds his stealth check, having him stealth and scout around with his innate speed is awesome. Good for ambushing archers too, have him attack an archer from stealth to make them put their bow away before they can shoot.
I know that everything he can do some combination of fighter and thief can do better, but It has been a different, fun experience bringing him along and keeping him alive. Looking forward to him getting Lay on Hands at level 7
I do wish he could wear a helmet, and that Monks got the benefit from Single Weapon Style though
Personality wise he's proving quite interesting, though I haven't had any banter occurring. Maybe I should invite Viconia back rather than Branwen for a while
I was very disapointed to see their is no interections between the 3 new characters...
What is that about the Viconia and Rasaad banter anyway? I havn't had even one (I am currently in the clockwood forrest).
Actually, this might not be such a good idea since they guy who wrote him is still active on these forums.
Suffice to say, I don't think his mother is dead. I have evidence supporting this, but I'll hold off for now. Maybe bg2 will illuminate the issue a bit more.
But seriously, he's a different sort of character. He's interesting.
He doesn't take as much damage as I feared he would, so he's not a disaster. He's actually getting twice as many kills as Viconia (who I have wearing ankheg armor and wielding Ashedeena; maybe I should have her using a sling instead).
I still haven't gotten his quest and I have him at level 5 now. I look forward to see how he develops through his quest.
She spoke when recruiting Rasaad, and often during his quest.
She also interjected while I was talking to Dorn - this was a bit after finishing Dorn's quest.
I like Rasaad as a character, his story and personality are what keep him around.
He does improve somewhat at later levels.
Otherwise I love the guy and I can't wait to see him shine in BG2:EE
Together with 1 handed style he gets quite useful.
Personality wise, I like him, being powerful or not.