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Dlc idea: Sub-races/moderate monster races

o looking over the game as it is now, i have an idea for a possible mod, sub races/new races. Because the one thing i thought was missing especcialy from bg2 was subraces (drow, duegar, tiefling, ect.) sure you could have npcs be stuff like that but not thw pcs. aditionally, i'd like to see some of the weaker/more ommon monter races included as playable characters, such as full orc, half ogre, and gnoll. i know these have bonusus such as natural ac and such but maybe it could be off set with exp penalties or a lower starting reputation? just a thought.


  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    I wouldn't mind playing as either an orc, an ogre or a gnoll, even if it is a bit of a stretch. I think the problem there however is that they can't create new animations which they would need to make them able to wield a wider array of weapons and wear armour.
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