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Will saves from BG:EE transfer to the STANDARD edition of BG2:SoA?

For whatever reason, my copy of Baldur's Gate + TotSC will not install on my Windows 7 machine and I've been wanting to replay it for quite some time now. Naturally, I was excited when I learned that the Enhanced Edition would also be released on PC since I initiallly thought it was only going to be released on mobile platforms (I don't like mobile gaming). So my question is this: when I buy BG:EE and complete it, will I be able to take my save and import my character into BG2 or will I have to wait for BG2:EE to be released?

I don't yet own BG:EE since I'm waiting until I'm finished playing Dragon Age 2 so I can't test this myself, but I assume if the format of the save files remained the same as the original release of the game, then this shouldn't be an issue.

In the event that saves aren't transferrable, has there been any news about whether or not Throne of Bhaal will be included in the initial releease of the enchanced edition of BG2? I'd hate to have to wait...

And my apologies if this is the wrong sub-forum, but there are about a million categories to choose from...

and random thought... isn't it sad that I'm more excited for the re-release of an old game that I've played countless times before than I am for any upcoming game?


  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    edited December 2012
    To the best of my knowledge:

    1) You should be able to take a character file exported from BG:EE and import it into BG2. This is not officially supported or tested though, so it's at your own risk.

    2) TOB will be included in BG2:EE

    Edit: Ninja'd (sort of)
  • MercuriousMercurious Member Posts: 7

    I don't know the answer to your question, but it is an interesting one.

    I was the same way for this BG:EE, and am also psyched about BG2.

    No game before or since the series has held me the way these have.
  • Thanks for the replies, everyone. I'm looking forward to playing this very much. Wow, I was twelve when I first played it and it's still easily my favorite game series. I miss the old online community for it (BGDungeon, if you've heard of it, is where I spent my time away from the game), though. Maybe I'll make a presense here.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    It's not really a big deal to make a new char with the same name and stats for BG2 and just start from there. If you have illegal stats (like you used a tome to get 19 STR) or you want the pantaloons or something you can just use Shadowkeeper.
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    It should work. The biggest problem would be items that don't exist in BG2 but you lose all anyway.
  • zarffynzarffyn Member Posts: 175
    Plus I've heard that the Blackguard doesn't import well, since BG2 vanilla doesn't support that kit.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847

    Just dont try to take any of the new items with you. Or a Blackguard.
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