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How "Smart" is Shadowkeeper?

Once again, thinking about things I'd like to do in BG:EE while I'm at work :)

If I edit a character's class in Shadowkeeper, does SK follow through and alter things like level, HD, proficiencies etc on its own, or is it only as you level up that you start to get the bonuses?

I'm still on my quest to turn Imoen into a Skald without screwing with my game.


  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    edited December 2012
    It will only change your class iirc.
    Easiest way I found when I used to make multi-classes with kits was to create a dummy character with the kit.
    Load both my real character and the dummy one, compare them and make sure the real one gets correct innate abilities etc (be sure they are the same level, easiest to do with level 1 characters or single class).
  • LeviathanLeviathan Member Posts: 30
    Hrm. So again I hit the "Cannot multi/dual class bards" blockade. Dang.

    Ok, new tactic. In SK if I give a character Thief skills (ie detect traps and open locks), and they're a class that doesn't normally have the "Thieving" icons on their task bar, will they gain those icons?
    Sounding like it may be easier to just completely reset Imoen rather than trying to Dual class, and give her 80 points in Pick Locks & Detect Traps.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    Never tried this, but what would happen if you have her as a thief class and add the Skald kit with SK?
  • MansenMansen Member Posts: 82
    No I don't believe they gain the icons - they still need to have the actual abilities to be able to use the points for anything
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