I did after the 2nd. Didn't notice many changes, but I have been lucky this time. Few BG:EE problems for me. Interested to see if it helps my daughter, who does have integrated Intel video
With each update, the amount of rediculous things I have to do to launch the game decreases. The previous one removed the need to have itunes(of all things) running at the same time. This one removed the need for me to have any compatability settings turned on...with the singular exception of having the launcher run as admin. Which is pretty tolerable.
Maybe Update #4 will even get rid of that. I appreciate them getting these out in a hurry. I'd really like to get a second copy for my wife's computer once all the kinks are out.
I don't have a list of fixes for this patch, so I'm guessing it's pretty much like last night's: a few crash fixes to hopefully get more people able to play the game.
Also, I can guarantee that the majority of these fixes are made possible by the dmp files people have been sending in. These reports help the developers identify exactly what's going on, rather than trying to guess based on a few (or a lot of) forum posts.
So continue to send in your dmp files! They're helping immensely.
I don't have a list of fixes for this patch, so I'm guessing it's pretty much like last night's: a few crash fixes to hopefully get more people able to play the game.
Also, I can guarantee that the majority of these fixes are made possible by the dmp files people have been sending in. These reports help the developers identify exactly what's going on, rather than trying to guess based on a few (or a lot of) forum posts.
So continue to send in your dmp files! They're helping immensely.
My friend has an intel chip. The game isn't crashing but it is lagging really bad, will she have a dmp file to send for that, or is it specifically for crashes?
According to the patch notes on the launcher the fixes are:
" *A series of memory leaks have been fixed. *Speed improvements for some Intel Integrated Graphics chipsets. *Fixed a crash when customizing a character. *Fixed a crash when using a quick slot. *Dorn and Neera no longer remain invincible in certain circumstances. *XP is now given for slaying Ice Trolls in The Cloud Peaks. *A variety of typos have been found and fixed. *Rasaad's quest no longer contains accidental spoilers. *The Stupefier +1 now shows the proper icon.
Maybe Update #4 will even get rid of that. I appreciate them getting these out in a hurry. I'd really like to get a second copy for my wife's computer once all the kinks are out.
Also, I can guarantee that the majority of these fixes are made possible by the dmp files people have been sending in. These reports help the developers identify exactly what's going on, rather than trying to guess based on a few (or a lot of) forum posts.
So continue to send in your dmp files! They're helping immensely.
*A series of memory leaks have been fixed.
*Speed improvements for some Intel Integrated Graphics chipsets.
*Fixed a crash when customizing a character.
*Fixed a crash when using a quick slot.
*Dorn and Neera no longer remain invincible in certain circumstances.
*XP is now given for slaying Ice Trolls in The Cloud Peaks.
*A variety of typos have been found and fixed.
*Rasaad's quest no longer contains accidental spoilers.
*The Stupefier +1 now shows the proper icon.
More fixes and improvements are on the way."