clua command for neera romance?

Is there a clua command to continue the neera romance diologues? For awhile there wasnt any and i thought it was bugged then it turned out that i had said the wrong thing in one of the conversations (prettier than a half-orc and smarter than a goblin) and it would be very far back and probably not worth it to load.It also said using a command Neera_Romance Global set to -1.
Post edited by Jalily on
If you can't figure out the precise variables you need (I don't know), you could just start over.
Delete your NEERA_ROMANCE Variable, set NEERA_PLOT to 0 and head back to beregost. You should meet her and fight off some red wizards again.
If I had to guess, try setting NEERA_ROMANCE to 1. I'd guess 1 is ongoing, 2 is failure, 3 is success.
if you're feeling adventurous. Honestly, I never play with variables in game; I use, and highly recommend Shadowkeeper for variables. You can easily see all variables active in your game and edit them without much trouble.
Let me emphasize that I don't know what to do here. I'm just taking a shot in the dark. Definitely set up a back up save before screwing around with variables. SK will let you get a better idea of what to do.
CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("NEERAROMANCEACTIVE","GLOBAL",1). Replace NEERA for DORN or RASSAD for the other characters.