"Up to four hours of additional gameplay"

My main concern about BG:EE is only these lies about the length of the new characters's quests:
- Dorn: 3 encounters - 30 minutes
- Neera: 2 encounters (maybe 3 ?) - 40 minutes (maximum)
- Don't know for the Monk
Seriously, guys.
- Dorn: 3 encounters - 30 minutes
- Neera: 2 encounters (maybe 3 ?) - 40 minutes (maximum)
- Don't know for the Monk
Seriously, guys.
Maybe they're including all interactions with them? Conversations? I agree though, and black pits was, with just my first play at least, more like 3-4 hours.
Things I was actually a bit disatisfied about was the fact that there are :
1 - No banters between the new characters and the old ones
2 - The new characters do not "step up" and answer when you're having a conversation. These characters are simply very basic, BG1-like NPCs. Wish they made them more BG2-like.
3 - The new zones, tied to the character, could have had some more content not tied to the quest itself (For Rasaad : Having some event with the trolls & saving a merchant, or an additional cave with a small dungeon made of icy creatures... and so on) I found them to be only focused on the event tied to the NPC, where they could have made some great additional quets / events
On the plus side, I reckon that that will be added to the BG1 NPC Project. It's a shame that it has to be done through a third party mod, but it sounds like Beamdog really got shafted by that contract.
Never had a single banter between these characters. And I pretty much ran through the whole game.
The only time Khalid said something, was when Rasaad quest started in baldur's gate, after fighting the monks and figuring that there's something to do in Cloud Peaks.
I keep seeing references to the contract and I would like to have a look at it too. Thanks.
Rasaad had the most interesting quest. Dorn is the most interesting new npc, and Neera had some potential, but it seems I'm already at the end of her quest in the Cloakwood mines. And her quest where stupidly easy.
That is actually my main problem with these new characters. The new enemies/quest we face are all around 100-300 xp worth! I need some real challenge! Lvl 12 enemies, some epic moments.
Instead of alot of weak enemies that I could easily rush through without any planning ahead.
BG:EE - Easy Edition
As for me, neera's quest took me 20min, rashaad quest in cloud peaks 30min and i assume dorn's quest which i havent done yet is about the same. So all in all i believe its more like 1 hour and a half of new content in total.
Admittedly they're cake if you put off the quests a bit as I did with Rasaad and Dorn. Level 7 + gear will get through each one in less than an hour (total).
What bothers us, is that even if you're just running "basically", it takes far from 4 hours to run the "additional Neera quests". (3 battles if I'm not mistaken : One when you encounter her, one later on, and finally the last one in "Goblin City"
That said, to confirm what @Corvino said - yup, I've been able to, not 100%, but around 90% the entirety of Baldur's Gate 1 in 24 hours of real life (but theoretically I played around 6-10 hours at best).
I usually skip all the quests in Baldur's Gate because you can easily lose plenty of time finding who to return a dagger to (although did the most important things with big rewards).
But then again I'm a very very fast player, as I mostly noticed in Dragon Age Origins - while people around me needed 100+ hours to 100% the game, I 100% it on Nightmare difficulty in 25-35 hours. Really, it comes to the affinity one has with one game. I remember back in the days, it required me weeks to complete a single act in Diablo 2, then it went to a single day... today, I could easily beat all five acts on Normal in one day.
Overall, I believe Baldur's Gate length is of 80-100 hours, but keep in mind - DIALOGUES. If you know dialogues by heart, there's no need reading them. If you don't, you will read them! I noticed this difference in my Let's Plays of BG1 and BG2 - BG1, without reading, took me 16 hours. Baldur's Gate 2, with reading (and voice acting if I might add) already lasts 21 hours I believe - and I'm not one third done.
Edit : also, I play on 60 frames.
So, admit that their quests takes one hour, 3 hours of dialogues for each characters ? I don't think.
Note that I haven't played through the extra content myself, I'm just going on what people have said on this thread.
They fixed the bug with the boxes wich were too hard to pick. Since there were 40 boxes on that situatiun, they count as 40 improvements, lol