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Reaching farm to the north-east from BG before act 5

upi00rupi00r Member Posts: 91
If you go from BG bridge location to the north (east side of The River Chiontar) you reach west side of the river in farm location (before act 5 so the bridge is still closed). Do not know if this is a bug but IMHO you should reach east side of the river in farm lacation when going this way.


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    You always reach the west side of the river (the right side is unreachable).

    This would be a bug only if by coming back, you would be able to enter the city. Hopefully, that's not the case?
  • upi00rupi00r Member Posts: 91
    Still it is kinda unlogical for me :)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    The alternative was to disable the farm before chapter 5.
  • WooWoo Member Posts: 135
    That farm has always been accessible since act 1
  • BalquoBalquo Member, Developer Posts: 2,746
    @upi00r Yeah, it is illogical, I agree. The logical solution would be to prevent the farm access until chapter 5 - and then maybe have it automatically appear on the map so you know it's there. But, yeah...
  • NymMoondownNymMoondown Member Posts: 219
    I think it's logical you cannot reach the farm location until you can cross the bridge.
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