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Well Done!

TuscunraiderTuscunraider Member Posts: 6
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
First off i would like to say Im a big fan, i still have my orginal 5 cd's of baldurs gate with the orginal box and manual.

I have had virtually not a single problem or bug or crash with the game. The only bug i noticed was the damage readings, and the second person in party kept trying to hide in shadows, lol, which was fixed within 48 hours of the game being release, again good job and nothin serious. Other than that i have not had ONE problem/bug/crash with the game and im on my 2nd time round to finishing the game again.

I didnt miss one area, maybe just a few sidequests, otherwise i covered most, if not all, the content. Every day I notice there is some sort of patch or update. It seems you guys there at BeamDog are working around the clock!
Compared to the original version (of which i still have), it really is an outstanding job! I mean WOW!

I see alota, what most probly are: sugar induced, spoilt little fat kids, raging on the forums. They obviously not die hard fans who played the original over and over. Obviously with a project like this, improving on something already created, there are going to be a few problems. BUT there is literally a patch being released every day. So stop crying.

Again well done to BeamDog for accomplishing something within such little time and resources. The ongoing support is very impresive. That alone puts you guys above alota other gaming companies I battle with from day to day. If the BG2:EE is going to have improvements like this one, I will be one of the first in line. Im very excited and can't wait for the next release.

You guys rule!

Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • ChillyJennyChillyJenny Member Posts: 4
    I agree with you! Great comeback to a great game. When people complain about the new release, I'm not sure what they were expecting (diablo 3?) but the additions complement the original game wonderfully. Not much was changed, but not much needed to be changed. I'll take a killer storyline and treasure hunt over flashy graphics anyday. Also love how fast you guys are fixing bugs.
    Looking forward to your next overhaul :)
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Well, there are bugs, but they are being fixed.
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