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A Modest Request

SixheadeddogSixheadeddog Member Posts: 197
edited December 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
Dear Beamdogs:

I have what I consider to be a modest and not entirely unreasonable request -- the answer to which, however, bears earth-shattering import.

One thing that always disturbed me about Baldur's Gate 2 was that its cast of possible party members was always lacking a certain something, a certain... oh, what is the word I'm looking for? A certain... Tiaxitude. Yes. That about sums it up rather nicely.

The entire plot of Baldur's Gate 2 was rather unbelievable to me: unbelievable because I found it hard to accept that the main character, Bhaalspawn though he might be, could have accomplished all that he did, slain all the foes that he slew, and ultimately triumphed and won out the day without the aid of Baldur's Gate's most powerful and beloved character: the mighty Tiax.

Of course, I have been able to let this slide and accept the game for what it is, purely because of how otherwise well-crafted BG2 is in terms of both gameplay and storyline. Still, there is a point where the game infuriates me: where it seems to acknowledge the missing Tiaxness, and rather than attempt to address this painful deficiency, it instead teases you with the appearance of mighty Tiax as an inmate in Spellhold. And just when you think that the New Gnomish Dawn is nigh, just when you are lead to believe that Emperor Tiax is about to ride to your rescue at the head of a riled-up mob of escaped magical inmates, he is unceremoniously (and unbelievably!) killed by David Warner.

Come on now! Does anyone seriously believe that Jon "ooh, look at me, I have a unique sprite!" Irenicus is anything of a match for MIGHTY LORD TIAX? Admittedly, this only served to fuel my desire for revenge going into the endgame. But beneath the bitter, bitter tears, there was always a hint of disbelief. Why did this awful thing happen? How on earth could it have been possible? And, perhaps more importantly, how might my quest have been different if, instead of mourning over a pile of exploded Tiax meat-bits, I had instead had the opportunity to have the Great Ruler of All once again join me in glorious battle?

I can only dream of how all of my many battles might have gone so much smoother with Lord Tiax at my side.

With that exposition aside, I implore you: allow us to re-engage Tiax as a playable party member in Baldur's Gate 2. And, of course, he should also be a romance option as well -- not for me, of course (I've always been a Viconia man myself), but for the ladies, since Lord Tiax's raw sexual charisma with the fairer sex is the stuff of legends. I have not met a woman yet who has told me that she could resist Tiax's charms. (of course, I've never really asked, and it's not the sort of thing that women just bring up in passing conversation... but it's mostly just this feeling I get that Tiax does more than "okay" with the ladies, if you catch my meaning)

In advance, thank you for your submission to Lord Tiax's will. I mean, to hearing out my most humble of requests.
Post edited by Jalily on
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