Shandalar seems to have been made unkillable now...?

Alas, my nostalgic attempts at reliving the murder of Shanalar in Ulgoth's Beard seem to have been dashed. An hour+ spent experimenting, and everytime Shandalar is reduced to "Near Dead" and the round is about to allow my party another hit in, Shandalar Dimension Doors away. I gotta say, this is rather disappointing. It's not a matter of not doing enough damage, I've got him taking poison damage every round, Dorn and Kagain whomping on him, and everyone else tagging him with ranged weapons. The game seems to fire off a script that prevents him from being killed. I gotta say, it just isn't the same anymore... :-(
I stunned him with a Wand of Paralyzation. That worked and i'm sure there are other ways, too.
Maybe the new "Stupefier"-Maze works, too, after you disspelled him.
Btw, just killed Drizzt yesterday! First real challange in BG:EE(E) (Everything's Easy Edition)
Then I pulled out my three wands of Paralyzation and Xzar and Edwin spammed for a while...Then he was easy!