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Best party combinations for NPC banter?

I spend more time trying out combinations of NPCs that have more than one line of banter, than looking for the strong. But it's hard to find a talkative party that is all around the same alignment. It's also hard to find the entirety of their quotes online, specifically who they address them to. Dan Simpson's faq has only identified very few. The alternative is experimentation and that can be time consuming.

The one party that I've found working really well is:

- Garrick (defends Skie, insults Eldoth) 6 lines
- Eldoth (insults Garrick, Skie, Shar-Teel & Xan) 5 lines
- Skie (defends Eldoth to Garrick, defends everyone to Eldoth) 7 lines
- Shar-Teel (cancels out Eldoth's misogyny with her misandry) 5 lines
- Xan (insults Eldoth) 4 lines

That's at least 27 character unique lines of dialogue, which must be the record.

Then you have certain pairings that interact alot, but may not interact with many people outside of their pairings. Such as Khalid/Jaheira, Yeslick/Kagain, Kivan/Viconia, Tiax/Quayle, Xzar/Montaron, Coran/Safana, Jaheira/Faldorn etc... On top of that you have NPC groups that are extremely volatile like Khalid/Jaheira/Xzar/Montaron. There just doesn't seem to be a good aligned NPC that illicit the same degree of banter like Eldoth does. Jaheira gets close with Khalid and Faldorn but she is short two sparring partners that don't try to kill her.

I'm trying to find a banter based party for the good aligned NPCs but that is proving to be a much harder task. What combination have you found the most successful or at least entertaining?


  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Having Shar-Teel, Garrick, Eldoth and Skie in a past playthrough was one of the best Baldur's Gate experiences ever. Especially since you think you know the game inside out, I'd implore everyone who hasn't tried it to do it.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @Mordeus Fantastic use of the word misandry!
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