Portraits of new NPCs in high res?

I'm going nuts here.
I'm looking for portraits of Dorn, Neera and Rasaad in high resolution, and I can't find any. The best I could find was this: http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17u152aggw6zfjpg/xlarge.jpg, and that's only part of the picture. Every other pic I can find is smaller than the required in-game Large Size (210x330). What gives? I could have sworn I've seen them posted in much larger sizes before, but I can't find them again, neither on official BG:EE site, nor on the forum here, nor through google. Was I hallucinating seeing them or what? O_o
Help, please? I got a fever, it's not healthy for me to get frustrated... *pleading puppy eyes*

Help, please? I got a fever, it's not healthy for me to get frustrated... *pleading puppy eyes*
Rasaad 1 (800x1204): http://cf.shacknews.com/images/20120724/rasaadflatfinalfulldark2small_22848.jpg
Rasaad 2 (1922x1084): http://gamersweb.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/rasaad.jpg
Neera 1 (828x1280): http://www.boainformacao.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/baldursgateenhancededition02.jpg
Neera 2 (828x1280): http://j.i.uol.com.br/galerias/pc/baldursgateenhancededition01.jpg
Neera 3 (1922x1084): http://images.bioware.ru/baldurs_gate/ee_concepts/neera.jpg
Joking aside, since the source art was lost, the only way to get a high res picture of any of the old NPCs is to upscale them. The results look nice enough - it's not pixelated or anything - but obviously you only get as much detail as you had in the small picture.
This is exactly what I do when I play with portraits - upscale them first, modify to my heart's content, then scale them back down to in-game size.
@Kurumi Thank you again.