Refund? Possible or no?
Obtaining a refund, is there any information on this? I wanted to wait and see if a couple hotfixes/updates would solve the issues, but still no dice, and no I don't want to pay to be a beta tester.
Or am I just s.o.l...
It's just frustrating, loved these games, just really unhappy with the result. If it's being showcased as an improved and expanded version, that should be what one gets.....
Not something that barely works, cuts corners (resolution, anyone?), and can't do what the original could.
Really wish this worked out better.
Or am I just s.o.l...
It's just frustrating, loved these games, just really unhappy with the result. If it's being showcased as an improved and expanded version, that should be what one gets.....
Not something that barely works, cuts corners (resolution, anyone?), and can't do what the original could.
Really wish this worked out better.

There's information at the bottom of the first post in this thread: