Could go for a good scimitar *spoilers?*

So I decided to do a bit different thing from what I've ever done before, and make a character that dual-wields scimitars (but he's not an elf or ranger, so worry not). There don't seem to be an abundance of these things around the wilderness, though, especially compared to something like longswords which I'm basically swimming in. Now that one of the scimitars got broken, I've started to think about finding something a little sturdier for me to wield, but the only one I know of is Rashad's Talon, which is a bit too ahead for me to pick up yet (I've just cleared Nashkel mines), and Drizzt's swords, which I can't have yet because I don't have any archers in my group.
Any other good scimitars I could pick up at this point of the game? Wakizashis and ninja-tos are fine too.
Any other good scimitars I could pick up at this point of the game? Wakizashis and ninja-tos are fine too.
Hope this helps
I just picked Drizzt's blades out of his pocket (mostly for fun and because he was being arrogant) but It feels cheezy to use them, to probably will keep them in my pack as souveniers and go for Rashad's Talon eventually.
I seem to recall there are two Rashad's Talons available in the game as well.
Other then that, there are precious few enchanted Scimitars, to my knowledge.
Other enchanted scimitars are the Wakazashi +1 from the ambush on the way to the cloakwood mines where Dorn can be obtained, and there's a Ninja-to +1 in the sewers of Baldur's Gate near the Ogre Mage.
Seeing how the encounter with Dorn never happened for some reason, and the rest of the items are all far away for me, finding any scimitar (or wakizashi or ninja-to) would be pretty cool. You'd think there were more of them running around instead of just a few obscure magical ones.
sadly, scimitars are few in BG1, but at least there are two +2 ones - most weapon types aren't so lucky. in BG2, however... holy shit, they're most OP weapons ever, even more so if your main happens to be a fighter/thief(/mage, because who plays simple FTs?).