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I have 2 words for Overhaul:



  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2012
    So makeing threads that just (in essence) repeats what has already been posted many, many times before is better?

  • marfigmarfig Member Posts: 208

    @Glokta what other kind of posts would you prefer to see? the "meme" thread?

    I laughed! If I was drinking coffee at that moment you'd be in trouble with me... and I'd be with my wife.

    @Glokta does have a point however. These things have been discussed before, numerous times. For anyone standing on the forums for more than a few days, it can get under their skin. Unfortunately he chose to be dismissive of your woes, which gets under the skin of anyone having troubles with the game.

    Anyways, I think the most important thing hasn't been said yet: This thread should belong to the Bugs forum. As much as you may want to discuss Overhaul development strategy for BGEE, you most likely won't get a representative here. The rest of us know nothing about it.
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2012
    @marfig I don't think my post belongs in the bug forum since firstly, there really isn't a mention of a specific bug until later in the thread, and it clearly doesn't follow their bug reporting guidelines (current behavior: X, expected behavior: Y). My post was just a general feeling and experience I'm having with this release. Hopefully, some people that might be on the fence to buy the game lingering in the forums will have some feedback based on my post. My recommendation would be to wait a couple of weeks.

    I know I was gonna buy this for my brother which hasn't played the game since original release. I still plan on buying it for him, but after all (or at least most) of the issues are addressed. If I bought him the EE version at release as I was going to do, I would have never heard the end of it.
  • veevitoveevito Member Posts: 35
    Well, i'm a professional man myself. Mechanical engineer, worked with software engineers until the cows came home.

    I guess all I have to say, from both personal and non personal experience, is that software engineers/designers are indeed the whiney-est bunch of folk i've ever come across. Constantly telling people that their endeavor is so uniquely difficult that no one should expect quality. The tried and true "Do you know how much work it is to do X" etc.. as if no other industry requires lots of work to get things right.

    If that's the case, then maybe the software industry either needs a serious revamp or needs to be put down for good.

    I say this with love.
  • TheSwamperTheSwamper Member Posts: 21

    No disrespect to the OP, but I can't believe how few bugs I've found. Honestly, I'm on my second playthrough and have found ONE bug, which was my mouse cursor disappearing.

    I played this game when it originally came out and this is the first time I've played it since (never modded, never will). I have had so much fun for my 20 bucks that I want to slap current developers and tell them "THAT is how you make a game."

    Look, I'm really happy if at least some of us could have a great bug-free experience.
    But how can you say "THAT is how you make a game" when there are PAGES of reported bugs?
    My statement has nothing to do with bugs. Some dirt on the floor of a house does not make a good house a poor one.

    The great writing, the characters, the role-playing element, all fantastic. Too many games today are focused on how pretty it is. I appreciate depth over shininess. I am a very longtime tabletop D&D player and BG1, and BG2 even moreso are the closest computer games I've played to the RP'ing experience tabletop play offers.
    I can't think any other computer game I've played where NPC members of my group had strife among themselves, breaking into discussions, arguing, etc.

    I would LOVE to see a ton more games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc.
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    @TheSwamper Yes, but... Overhaul has *nothing* to do with with all the good stuff you mentioned. I guess you never read my original post. This (and I agree with you) magnificent game, comes from Bioware and released by Interplay. Overhaul adding nothing but minor extra's and refinement. My gripe was that so many bugs still exist and many new ones were created by this refreshed release.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    For some perspective, please remember that the game has been out exactly one week, and they've already fixed an amazing amount of stuff. They have promised repeatedly that they are not going to abandon the game, and that they will eventually get around to polishing it into the perfect gem that it can be.

    It is what it is. It turns out that rebuilding the entire Infinity Engine from the ground up was a little more complicated than they had planned. They set some very high goals for themselves, and didn't quite make them within the planned time frame. They were under a lot of pressure to get the game out so people could play. Can you imagine what we'd be saying if they had done a second delay?

    I'm thoroughly enjoying the game in its current state, and I look forward excitedly to seeing where this will all be a year from now, and two years from now. I'm especially eager to play BG2:EE.

    I was a little frustrated when I couldn't get the game to work until late on release day, and I made some frustrated, critical, whining posts at that time. But then it worked, and my tone quickly changed from irate to "very happy customer".

    I don't know, I guess I'm a little easier to please than many. I'm just really happy to see all the attention to my favorite game.
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2012
    In the world that I live in, if I have a promised deliverable that I had to postpone 2.5 months using the excuse that it's not ready and I need to get it right, and then release it still full of issues that could have been sorted with the right amount of QC and beta testers, I would be held heavily accountable for that. Using the "I tried my best, but didn't know what I was in for" considering some of the people in Overhaul were part of the original saga would not fly with my customers.

    I don't know, I guess I'm a little bit harsher depending on the situation (brand new game/ground breaking technology = very patient/forgiving. Old refreshed game with many new bugs = less patient/forgiving). But, I'm also really happy to see all the attention to my favorite series.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    marfig said:

    I agree @MinscandBoo.

    It's hard to draw a line and I may be drawing it too far. It's just... I don't know mate... for such a small business like Overhaul/Beamdog and such a big risk like BGEE, I'm personally willing to be more permissive than I would for other game development studios.


    And their handling of upset customers. (Apologizing, offering refunds for those unhappy)

    Though personally, and I'm almost at the end of the game and I've cleared Durlag's Tower, I have encountered very few bugs that I remember. The only bugs I remember are those that are game breaking, if it didn't break my game I move on.

    If a bug breaks a quest for me and I can't get my reward or something similar, I roleplay it with my lawful evil character and pretend they backed out of an agreement and didn't give me my due reward and I kill them and continue enjoying myself.

    I would see peoples point if they didn't ever expect to get the bugs fixed but they are fixing things as fast as they can, and that is more than fast enough for me.

  • talzolatalzola Member Posts: 8
    Some of you people really amuse me! You have this insane attitude that, "This game is full of bugs and all the complaint posts on the forums prove it!"....

    Reality check losers...the vast vast vast majority of players are having no issues, and dont visit, let alone post on forums. Forums for any video game are dominated by the whiners and trolls. That is just the nature of the beast. Have I seen a few bugs? of course I have, every game has bugs! Are any of them game breaking or even particularly significant??...NOPE...there are a few trivial, "I wish they would have done it this way..." kind of issues, but overall the game is fantastic. For the few of you having serious technical issues (and the ones that dominate the forums), sorry you are having issues, but in most cases it is a YOU problem...your ignorance on how to keep your computer updated and running smoothly is hardly the fault of overhaul.
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    @talzola So the 3 patches and slew of bug fixes within a week (with many more to come once the tablets are addressed) are a figment of everyone's imagination, or related to our ignorance of keeping our computers updated? .... Gotcha.
  • miguelitomiguelito Member Posts: 6
    This all comes down to poor time-table estimation
  • Raziel_HasturRaziel_Hastur Member Posts: 10
    I don't know what everyone ells is talking about. I haven't had any buts at all, in fact the bugs that I remember like the birds flying backwards have been fixed in the Enhanced Edition.
  • talzolatalzola Member Posts: 8
    @MinscandBoo AH, I see you are new to to video games and/or very I will go easy on you. Every game has bugs at release, and every game has patches. I have read all the patch notes for each update, and it is really just routine kind of maintenance that EVERY game has to go through, especially ones newly released. Are there a few people that are suffering real and legitimate issues that need to be resolved? Of course there are! (example being the issue with Intel chipsets)...BUT, the vast majority of people with so called "issues" are morons running outdated OS's with out of date drivers and machines riddled with malware.
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