Portrait packs

Anyone know of any proper BG:EE high resolution portrait packs? All the ones I've seen so far are either the wrong resolution/format or are just old portraits upscaled to the right rez which just look awful.
Thanks for sharing.
EDIT: Read the first post of the thread I linked to
The dropbox is actually in the cloud, so you're downloading from some server not someone elses PC directly.
As for the forum problems, is it possible that you are using some old browser?
Looking through them now, a bit hit and miss but not bad so far.
I'm using Chrome, admittedly I haven't updated in a while (doesnt Chrome automatically update though?).
Hmm I don't think chrome does autoupdate, you could check out the main site to see whats the latest version there and compare to yours to be sure.
Found some decent portraits, thanks for the help guys.