so i made a figher mage theif and i started with 15 HP but before i leveled up i gained 9 HP getting a grand total of 24 hp for some odd reason........
I had a similar strange occurrence. I had a 19 Con Dwarven Fighter/Cleric who started with either 18 or 19 HP I forget, which is WAY over what it's supposed to be.
Random tidbit: You may as well make your Fighter/Mage/Thieves Elves because 17 Con grants you the same number of Hit Points as 18 Con. Food for thought. I'M A MORON
Not for F/M/T. Too many durn classes. Pretty sure though that if you went 18 + Tome = 19 then it would make a difference.
Just tested it in game. A F/M/T with 18 Con does gain an extra HP/level over one with 17 Con. I'm guessing that you thought you'd lose one due to a bonus of 4 HP not dividing properly into 3 different classes, but you never lose HP due to rounding errorbonus HP (from high Con) due to rounding error.
You still may as well be an Elf, of course, +1 to hit and +2 to ranged attacks is the height of badassery. Elves were actually pretty viable back in ADnD.
@forgotten_wofl: Never go with just 14 constitution. AD&D is stupid in that there is no difference between between 7 and 14 constitution. There is literally no difference outside of halflings, gnomes and dwarves. Bonus HP begins at 15, caps at 16 for any non-warrior.
Why? Why, make a 3 way split on a level 15 cap? Why do it at all it grossly nerfs your character. Unless like others your just cheating with mods and stuff. The best part about beating a game for me is to play It as intended. I know a lot of people like to mod but if your modding to give yourself an unfair advamtage what's the point of playing? For me I never understood the concept of cheating as cheaters never experience the joy of a well earned fight using wit and the resources available to you.
Con-bonus for triple multiclass gives you basically _nothing_. A F/M/T with 18 con does get massive (!) 10HP if all 3 class get their level up...that's a huge friggin' bonus :P (with 16 con it'd be max. 9 HP....) And I see honestly absolutely no point in 3-Mclassing in a game, which caps (without mods...) at 161k XP; might be different with xp-cap remover, but then again I could beat the game as well with a mere single class... In IWD2 it's a different story though, specially HoF...
Con-bonus for triple multiclass gives you basically _nothing_. A F/M/T with 18 con does get massive (!) 10HP if all 3 class get their level up...that's a huge friggin' bonus :P (with 16 con it'd be max. 9 HP....) And I see honestly absolutely no point in 3-Mclassing in a game, which caps (without mods...) at 161k XP; might be different with xp-cap remover, but then again I could beat the game as well with a mere single class... In IWD2 it's a different story though, specially HoF...
It makes sense, because if you think about it, you get those early levels very quickly and would be very OP if you got full HP for each of your multiclass levels
F/M/T is quite OP if you do a few side quests and rack up the xp. I never had a problem in the original game. Probably be even easier in BGEE with the monster spawn bug at the moment.
@fortotten_wolf : i made the same char as you with the following att: 18 str; 18 dex; 15 con; 18 int; 15 wis and 15 charisma and i gained basehp and current hp: 6. so nine below your. any ideas how come?
A three way split F/M/T is 6/6/7, and gets: 1.5 Attacks with specialisation, 6 proficiency points, THAC0 15, 11/9/11/13/10 saves, 175 skill points and an x3 backstab, and 4/2/2
{([6D10 + 6D4 + 7D6 + Fighter Con Bonus]/3) + 6[Fighter Con Bonus]}
Seriously, screw multiclassing HP, but 17 Con, Fighter Con Bonus is a total of ~19 HP, assuming max rolls, it's 42 HP for hitdice, meaning 61 HP, 67 HP with the Tome. Give or take. +12 from a Familiar, for 79 HP versus 120 HP for pure fighters, and 80 for pure thieves.
Pure Fighters can't cast Sleep, Shield, Horror, Mirror Image, MMMs, Haste, Dire Charm, or use wands of fire, summon monster, or paralysation. Or for that matter, pop locks, disarm traps, dispel invisibility or set snares. Pure Thieves can't do any of that or cast invisibility and backstab with a greatsword, though they wish they could. They'd probably appreciate having the Knock spell handy as well. Pure Mages can't grab their sword and waltz into melee, or do much about traps, or keep on trucking after they're out of spells.
An F/M/T is generally more survivable than the Thief and the Mage, and not hugely worse than the pure Fighter in a fight. Because of the way saves progress, they've got saving throws pretty much better'n all of them.
19 Str is -3 THAC0, a +3 weapon is another -3, and Specialisation is another -1 giving then a THAC0 of 7 with swords. With the mastery boost, the Pure Fighter is only THAC0 3 and attacks an extra 1/2 time. Haste equalises the number of attacks, whilst a single successful casting of Glitterdust gives them the same chance to hit. The ability to cast Sleep and Web however, is unquantifiably better than fighting with swords like a chump. The fact they can backstab for triple damage from invisibility does sort of help equalise matters somewhat.
Pure Fighters get to wear Full Plate for AC 0. F/M/Ts get to wear Robes of the Archmagi for AC 5, +1 saves, 1/20 chance of magic immunity, and can Ghost Armour up a 2 AC before casting Blur, Protection from Evil and Mirror Image for an AC of -2 before accessories.
Take it up to level 15 (I assume thief, though this must be some cap I've never heard of, as SoA is 2,999,995)? All you've done is give them more toys and narrow the gap. With a 1.1m cap, the F/M/T is 9/10/11, with level 5 spells, an x4 backstab, 275 thief skill points, 1.5 Attacks a round, and a THAC0 of 12. Level 5 spells means, at very least, Improved Invisibility spam for x4 damage hits and a THAC0 2 better than any thief.
You don't need to cheat at all, F/M/T is already one of the biggest badasses on the block if you're remotely good at using them right.
Despite how good or bad triple mclassing is, that's why there are usually other NPCs around :P If someone is having fun to play alone for whatever purpose I don't mind. I assume the whole stuff is concerning single-beating the game. Then of course you are right, as you should cover all the basics.
Though I could as well just play Torchlight II...there might be player, who seriously enjoy all that "crappy" story stuff and party banter etc. ^.^
True, there usually are other NPCs around, but having an extra F/M/T isn't a bad thing anyway, they're intended as the sixth man, much like Bards are.
- You have enough points on an F/M/T to max out two skills, allowing another Thief in the party the ability to specialise in other things. - You have another, potentially even more survivable, tank in the party who's just about as capable of frontlining and archery support as any other multiclass fighter. - You have an extra mage to allow you the space to include extra utility spells you might not otherwise have space for.
Not being the best at everything doesn't mean you can't be helpful (or even great) at everything.
@faceless1963 summon your familiar that will give you a boost, but somehow i ended up at level one with like 24ish HP. Somehow i was able to summon 2 familiars and received 18 hp 18+6=24 boost. btw i made a FMT for Bg2 because i like playing without the level cap because it is the end of the game and your supposed to be godly lol.....
True, there usually are other NPCs around, but having an extra F/M/T isn't a bad thing anyway, they're intended as the sixth man, much like Bards are.
*sigh* Bards are a chapter on its own..too bad they never fixed the abuse of the songs in BG2/IWD2, so I wasn't really tempted to even give them a try. I don't have a problem to have a char doing "nothing" and singing his/her songs, while the others just obliterate anything, cause they can do it thanks to the bard But if you don't build your own scripts, they might start to attack right away cancelling their current song; a player might notice it and click the song again or use a script or set them to passive. So the next song stack..oooh wait! lets abuse it.... I really do love bards in PnP and the best game I can think of, where they are useful is DnDonline...: "I command to lay down, put yer weapons to rest and do nothing!"
But that crappy song-coding is a shit! They are nice in NWN2 and the weird swordcoast addon (but not motb...wasted space) and do finally work as intended.
erm, btt ^^ sorry I have to agree and disagree...most of the multiclass stuff from IWD2 comes to mind, where you could chose what level in what class you really want. But I (personally) don't like the concept of having a universal soldier as my char, who can do nearly everything but nothing at all. For BG2 I prefer a shiny non-abusive Fighter (lvl9 cause 7 with 5 prof points is a bug) dualed to something else class. The FMT char might be strong but then again I do prefer specialist to solve my problems
I guess that's kind of an endless discussion so I put it to an end; you really don't wanna know my last IWD2 parties setup *lol* weirdness beyond imagination.
Random tidbit: You may as well make your Fighter/Mage/Thieves Elves because 17 Con grants you the same number of Hit Points as 18 Con. Food for thought. I'M A MORON
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure the extra point in Con does grant you an extra +1HP/level.
HP due to rounding errorbonus HP (from high Con) due to rounding error.'s_Gate:_Dual_and_Multiclassing#Fighter.2FMage.2FThief
I think this is the only case I know of where @sandmanCCL 's guide appears to be wrong.
@forgotten_wofl: Never go with just 14 constitution. AD&D is stupid in that there is no difference between between 7 and 14 constitution. There is literally no difference outside of halflings, gnomes and dwarves. Bonus HP begins at 15, caps at 16 for any non-warrior.
The best part about beating a game for me is to play It as intended. I know a lot of people like to mod but if your modding to give yourself an unfair advamtage what's the point of playing? For me I never understood the concept of cheating as cheaters never experience the joy of a well earned fight using wit and the resources available to you.
(with 16 con it'd be max. 9 HP....)
And I see honestly absolutely no point in 3-Mclassing in a game, which caps (without mods...) at 161k XP; might be different with xp-cap remover, but then again I could beat the game as well with a mere single class...
In IWD2 it's a different story though, specially HoF...
Someone is unfamiliar with multiclassing benefits I see.
Pure Fighter gets: 1.5 Attacks (2 with specialisation), 6 proficiency points, 8D10 HP, THAC0 13, 10/12/11/12/13 saves.
Pure Thief gets: x4 Backstab, 4 proficiency points, 250 skill points, 10D6 HP, THAC0 16, 11/10/10/14/11 saves.
Pure Mage gets: 4/4/3/2/2 spells, 2 proficiency points, 9D4 HP, THAC0 18, 13/9/11/13/10 saves.
A three way split F/M/T is 6/6/7, and gets: 1.5 Attacks with specialisation, 6 proficiency points, THAC0 15, 11/9/11/13/10 saves, 175 skill points and an x3 backstab, and 4/2/2
{([6D10 + 6D4 + 7D6 + Fighter Con Bonus]/3) + 6[Fighter Con Bonus]}
Seriously, screw multiclassing HP, but 17 Con, Fighter Con Bonus is a total of ~19 HP, assuming max rolls, it's 42 HP for hitdice, meaning 61 HP, 67 HP with the Tome. Give or take. +12 from a Familiar, for 79 HP versus 120 HP for pure fighters, and 80 for pure thieves.
Pure Fighters can't cast Sleep, Shield, Horror, Mirror Image, MMMs, Haste, Dire Charm, or use wands of fire, summon monster, or paralysation. Or for that matter, pop locks, disarm traps, dispel invisibility or set snares.
Pure Thieves can't do any of that or cast invisibility and backstab with a greatsword, though they wish they could. They'd probably appreciate having the Knock spell handy as well.
Pure Mages can't grab their sword and waltz into melee, or do much about traps, or keep on trucking after they're out of spells.
An F/M/T is generally more survivable than the Thief and the Mage, and not hugely worse than the pure Fighter in a fight. Because of the way saves progress, they've got saving throws pretty much better'n all of them.
19 Str is -3 THAC0, a +3 weapon is another -3, and Specialisation is another -1 giving then a THAC0 of 7 with swords. With the mastery boost, the Pure Fighter is only THAC0 3 and attacks an extra 1/2 time. Haste equalises the number of attacks, whilst a single successful casting of Glitterdust gives them the same chance to hit. The ability to cast Sleep and Web however, is unquantifiably better than fighting with swords like a chump. The fact they can backstab for triple damage from invisibility does sort of help equalise matters somewhat.
Pure Fighters get to wear Full Plate for AC 0.
F/M/Ts get to wear Robes of the Archmagi for AC 5, +1 saves, 1/20 chance of magic immunity, and can Ghost Armour up a 2 AC before casting Blur, Protection from Evil and Mirror Image for an AC of -2 before accessories.
Take it up to level 15 (I assume thief, though this must be some cap I've never heard of, as SoA is 2,999,995)? All you've done is give them more toys and narrow the gap. With a 1.1m cap, the F/M/T is 9/10/11, with level 5 spells, an x4 backstab, 275 thief skill points, 1.5 Attacks a round, and a THAC0 of 12. Level 5 spells means, at very least, Improved Invisibility spam for x4 damage hits and a THAC0 2 better than any thief.
You don't need to cheat at all, F/M/T is already one of the biggest badasses on the block if you're remotely good at using them right.
If someone is having fun to play alone for whatever purpose I don't mind. I assume the whole stuff is concerning single-beating the game.
Then of course you are right, as you should cover all the basics.
Though I could as well just play Torchlight II...there might be player, who seriously enjoy all that "crappy" story stuff and party banter etc. ^.^
- You have enough points on an F/M/T to max out two skills, allowing another Thief in the party the ability to specialise in other things.
- You have another, potentially even more survivable, tank in the party who's just about as capable of frontlining and archery support as any other multiclass fighter.
- You have an extra mage to allow you the space to include extra utility spells you might not otherwise have space for.
Not being the best at everything doesn't mean you can't be helpful (or even great) at everything.
but somehow i ended up at level one with like 24ish HP. Somehow i was able to summon 2 familiars and received 18 hp 18+6=24 boost. btw i made a FMT for Bg2 because i like playing without the level cap because it is the end of the game and your supposed to be godly lol.....
But if you don't build your own scripts, they might start to attack right away cancelling their current song; a player might notice it and click the song again or use a script or set them to passive. So the next song stack..oooh wait! lets abuse it....
I really do love bards in PnP and the best game I can think of, where they are useful is DnDonline...: "I command to lay down, put yer weapons to rest and do nothing!"
But that crappy song-coding is a shit! They are nice in NWN2 and the weird swordcoast addon (but not motb...wasted space) and do finally work as intended.
erm, btt ^^ sorry
I have to agree and disagree...most of the multiclass stuff from IWD2 comes to mind, where you could chose what level in what class you really want. But I (personally) don't like the concept of having a universal soldier as my char, who can do nearly everything but nothing at all. For BG2 I prefer a shiny non-abusive Fighter (lvl9 cause 7 with 5 prof points is a bug) dualed to something else class.
The FMT char might be strong but then again I do prefer specialist to solve my problems
I guess that's kind of an endless discussion so I put it to an end; you really don't wanna know my last IWD2 parties setup *lol* weirdness beyond imagination.