Those bandit ambushes are kicking my butt. Does anyone have advice on how to prevent them or sneak by them? I always flee those ambushes but lose a guy or two.
I assume you're still a low level? Pray you avoid them and stay farther south until you're stronger. There's not much you can do with a party of level 1-2s.
There's not much you can do to flat out avoid them (save for sticking to the South as Madhax says), but do you have any mages in your party? Bandits seem to be pretty vulnerable to the sleep spell, which might help you even the odds if you can pop it off fast enough.
You might try walking more and teleporting over areas less - I seem to recall that ambushes occur more often when you try to travel over several maps at once as opposed to going only to one of the maps next to you (and walking to the next map edge - wash rinse and repeat)
I dont know about everyone else but im pretty sure i never faced a bandit ambush of 9 attackers in the vanilla. My whole party except for my main was wiped out the other day in a shower of arrows.. does anyone know if they've toyed with that part of it.
I dont know about everyone else but im pretty sure i never faced a bandit ambush of 9 attackers in the vanilla. My whole party except for my main was wiped out the other day in a shower of arrows.. does anyone know if they've toyed with that part of it.
The ambush with circling bandits was already here in the original game.
The ambush with circling bandits was already here in the original game.