iPad 1 not supported, why.

In the app store iOS 6 is currently noted as a minimum req. that means no baldurs gate EE for iPad 1 users! Is that really necessary and will this change anytime soon?
Besides, if this struggles to work on iPad1, I can't imagine BG2:EE working on there.
The problem is MEMORY. Non IOS.
They say MEMORY every time.
Is obvious that they use IOS version to avoid installation on Ipad 1 (that cannot install IOS 6)
if they will find a fix surely they will remove IOS limit...
Best wishes to all in Overhaul,
C'mon. They have been busting their humps, trying to do everything in their power to squeeze this down into the iPad 1. Trent Oster has tweeted several times this week that memory problems on the iPad 1 were what was holding up release of the iPad version. They had a choice: release it now for the platforms that work, or keep it from everyone while they continued to work on the memory problems. Are you really so selfish that the latter makes more sense?
No spanish, french, german translation, etc.
So many lies from Beamdog.
"The version that just passed approvals is limited to iOS6. We still have to work on the iOS5.1 iPad1 support and will update it when solid."
"iPad1 will happen. We could only get 45 minutes between crashes due to running out of memory despite aggressive rework so we retrench "
(i 'm searching to discover why i'm wasting my time here... I have an Ipad 3!!!!
There will be a patch for iPad 1 as soon as they're able. I don't know what else can be expected. The only fault I can find is in releasing too much information prior to release.
This game as a whole hasn't been the smoothest launch ever, but it also hasn't been the worst. For our first major release... needless to say we've learned a lot of lessons. We've tried our best to be transparent thoughout the whole development and release process, but, apparently that's caused some grief and hurt feelings on the part of some.
All we can do is apologize for the temporary inconvenience brought out, and promise this: things will be a heck of a lot more smooth for BG2:EE.