Thank you @Bytebrain I tried that and found out that for some reason my version of BG EE produces incompatable savefiles ^^*. It produces Baldur.gam files instead of BALDUR.GAM files ^^*
@Bytebrain I've gotten it to work alright ^^* But gesh its a lot of work transferring a savefile,,, *Sigh* Can't wait till they fix dropbox integration or the like... If they are going iCloud they better make the windows program contact apple's server on its own ^^*
Well, you could of course rename them to all CAPS to make it work, I guess... It worked right away for me though...
Yeah, I look forward to a more streamlined in game solution too. But at least we can get it to work, right?
It was pretty cool to pick up my warrior and party in Beregost, right where I left him on my pc...
Remember, it's also transferring all your settings, difficulty, pause options, feedback etc.