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Having newly and rejoining NPCS level be more in line with that of the party.

If an NPC is picked up once one first enters the area, this NPC is more or less in line with the party's level.Currently, I am collecting a few NPCs in areas I have visited before. As NPCs scale to party level when this area is first visited, those NPCs are rather underpowered compared to the rest of the party.

I'd like to see that NPCs who are currently not in the party are set once one enters or re-enters the area, so that NPCs that join later on or rejoin later on are still viable.


  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    Not a bad suggestion. I believe that the NPC .cre file is 'created' when you first enter an area though so it wouldn't be replacable afterwards without some impressive coding. Maybe as a workaround a joinable NPC starts at a low base level but always has at least the same XP as CHARNAME so you can level them up manually. This would also avoid the problem of NPC thieves spending their points in relatively useless skills.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    Kinda a minor thing, but I was under the impression that the NPCs' levels were set when you first recruited them, not when you first entered the area they are in?
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  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    The problem is how to solve this. The easy way is to just give them the missing XP up to level. Replacing the .cre file with a more fitting one is a bad idea after because it would overwrite everything you have changed with that character.
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