Baldur's Gate... Icewind Dale... Icewind Gate... Wait, what?!
So, a long while back I read somewhere that there was this mod called Icewind Gate (or some such) that let you load up the BG 2 data on Icewind Dale 2 (or something like that) and run BG2 with the 3rd edition rules set (it was buggy as HELL, but doable).
Soooo, my question is this...
When and IF IWD and IWD2 get Enhanced Editions... could we look forward to something like this? It would be RAD if we could actually play these games on 3rd edition rules. The mod I mentioned before has been stuck on beta for a couple years now and it will probably not be supported on the near future.
At least, what I would like is to have the option of playing IWD 1 on the 3rd edition rules set, for the sake of consistency.
Thoughts? Would you like to see something like this? Is this possible within the contract? Is this too expensive/time consuming?
The thing is that... there are not that many good games made with the 3rd edition rule set, so we could use the boost. The Neverwinter Nights saga is cool and all, but that's about it. Temple of elemental evil has just... so... many... bugs... it is practically unplayable if left unpatched (the mods also help A LOT). The PSP D&D Tactics game is laughably bad and Pool of Radiance did not age well at all.
Soooo, my question is this...
When and IF IWD and IWD2 get Enhanced Editions... could we look forward to something like this? It would be RAD if we could actually play these games on 3rd edition rules. The mod I mentioned before has been stuck on beta for a couple years now and it will probably not be supported on the near future.
At least, what I would like is to have the option of playing IWD 1 on the 3rd edition rules set, for the sake of consistency.
Thoughts? Would you like to see something like this? Is this possible within the contract? Is this too expensive/time consuming?
The thing is that... there are not that many good games made with the 3rd edition rule set, so we could use the boost. The Neverwinter Nights saga is cool and all, but that's about it. Temple of elemental evil has just... so... many... bugs... it is practically unplayable if left unpatched (the mods also help A LOT). The PSP D&D Tactics game is laughably bad and Pool of Radiance did not age well at all.
I'd love to see it personally, they've done a fine job with the BG:EE for the most part.
Still, I'm all for a PT and IWD1 Enhancement.
But I could see it happening to the first Icewind Dale. Especially for the consistency you mentioned and because it might cut down the workload if they focused on getting a universal IWD:EE UI and Ruleset set done, instead of working on two separate ones. Now that BG1 uses BG2's updated ruleset, I don't see why IWD1 wouldn't be updated to IWD2's rules.
I don't particularly like the 3ed ruleset or even the IWD series for that matter but it makes sense to me for both titles to have that continuity. I don't think they would run into contract troubles if they had no troubles altering BG1 content with the BG2 ruleset.
btw as for them possibly not finding anything to enhance for IWD2. I'd argue that porting it to the iPad is enhancement enough.
Would love it to be featured for IWD:EE, regardless.
FredSRichardson's IWD1Tutu was a conversion project to bring IWD into IWD2 to allow for 3e rules. Fred has stated he wants to get going on it again, but I don't think it ever reached beta.
Finally, DavidW and I have Icewind Dale in BG2, which bring the IWD content into the BG2 engine, allowing for goodies like kits, NPCs, dual-wielding, etc. We're at a pretty stable beta (v7.13) and once things calm down a bit with the BGEE release we'll probably look to put out our first non-beta (no ETA).
There is also updated versions of PoR & ToEE for NWN2 that you can play in the time between the EEs. They run a bit cleaner than the originals but still have some bugs if I recall.
They would have to either update the BG EE engine for the 3rd edition rules or upgrade the IWD2 engine to include all of the enhancements of the BG EE engine. Either option in my opinion would be a huge undertaking. Since IWD2 was never a huge seller they probably don't want to do it as they would probably lose money on it.
I love the IWD series so I would definitely buy an IWD EE & IWD2 EE but I'm not hopeful for an IWD2 EE.
The character creation and development options are vast, the combats are challenging and rewarding, the areas look gorgeous and the story (while not on the level of the BG branch) is engaging.
The game has a remarkably low number of bugs for its genre (Just look at vanilla BG without patches for comparison), so the main goal of its EE could be to add some prestige classes or something to the system, apart from the zoom function, dynamic character-circle-color-thingies and modern system compatibility. That would kick untold amounts of ass
I agree that there weren't many bugs, though.
Might even install both games again ^.^
Story-wise..PS:T is the king of the hill! And BG2 ...
It's not that hard to categorize both games..IWD1/2 is pure smashing and min/maxing your success in HoF (or even just d&d rules) while I really love the story stuff of pst/bg/bg2
Darn, if the interface of pst wouldn't look so ugly.....
edit: I would so buy any IWD1/2:EE edition right away without even thinking. Friggin' awesome game(s)
I'm rather non-committal on any "enhanced" version. But so long as I have my (multiple) disc copies and GOG version and the minimal community mods at my disposal, I'm set.
Now a remake done… right… *chuckles malevolently*