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Gotta love Neera

I really love Neera and the wild mage class in general, but today...
I said to Neera to cast a Magic Missile when I was up against 6 kobolts. Well, she did cast, but no MM. it was a fireball instead *ROFL*


  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    Yeah.. hafta agree.. I never cared much about the wild mage class, until I saw Neera in action.. it's hilarious and most interesting at the same time, too.. I already made the decision to make a wild mage pc for my next play through :) !!!
  • SublimeBWSublimeBW Member Posts: 42
    I too had a Magic Missle -> Fireball miscast. However mine was in the circus tent where you can choose to save the witch from the guy. He was able to get off his fear spell and all my group was running around like cowards excluding Neera. She started casting and it came out as a Fireball...the smoke clears... no surviors. I had to laugh at that.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Neera: The best reason to not wear the belt of Antipode.
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