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A specific modding question

MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
edited December 2012 in General Modding
Since 1998 most of of my playthroughs have been with Minsc. I find his one-liners priceless and adds so much charisma to the game. The problem is, I usually have to put him as the leader to get all his banters. If he is not the leader you rarely hear from him. and with his low charisma, I always had to switch back with my CHARNAME for any NPC dialogue.

What I would *like* to do is:

Make Minsc my CHARNAME (and not pick him and Jaheira up). Since the portraits included are already all of the companions so no custom portrait needed there. I guess I would roll a beserker warrior (he's really not much of a ranger) and what I would like to have (if even possible) is his soundset. He has soooo many more lines than that of a CHARNAME so I'm wondering 1: would it even work (how would they be triggered)? and 2: how many would I have available to me as compared to him as a companion?
Post edited by Coriander on


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