iPad Targeting?

Is there a good way to target baddies on iPad? In the tutorial fight against the illusions, most of the characters just stand there. I click on them and then he monster, but nothing. Occasionally, they'll do hat I want, but not often enough.
Also, the one character has a staff of Flame Strike. I have it in her quick-slot, but when I touch it and try to target an enemy, nothing happens. Same with wand of magic-missiles.
Any help?
Also, the one character has a staff of Flame Strike. I have it in her quick-slot, but when I touch it and try to target an enemy, nothing happens. Same with wand of magic-missiles.
Any help?
That might be causing some problems, I couldn't even loot with my passive thief because they kept searching for traps while I had the loot window open.
However, if your issuing commands while paused, you'll have to unpause to see if your new target has changed. It would be a nice fix if they could allow this to happen while paused. It can be annoying to keep pausing and un-pausing just to see if you targeted something correctly.
Also, zooming in tends to help some.
Hope this helps...
Clicking on objects is still a pain in the proverbial.
Go figure.
I have learned one tell that works when issuing commands to the whole group (going through doors, looting enemies); only a single target curser will show up when the action is successful. If you only managed to give a move command you will see the whole group's movement cursers. But if you targeted the doorway or treasure correctly (an action command other than move) you will see only the one curser.
I keep AI on, using the default script for everyone. That seems to keep them attacking with weapons until their target is gone. I also set auto-pause for the "target unavailable" condition so that when an enemy is killed, the game pauses and I can give new orders to my characters rather than have them stand around.
The UI is a little frustrating on the iPad, but if you take your time and play it as a turn-by-turn strategy game, it works OK. Clearly, though, it's the mouse and keyboard interface hacked to make it work in a touch screen environment rather than a re-imagined, designed for touch interface.
Both audio and in the text box. Am I the only one getting that feedback?
Sounds good to me!
Check the last post by Trent. He's stated they're working on a "smart targeting" system which is in testing right now.
Re: Attack and Stop. I'm filing this as a bug. It looks like ONLY DURING THE TUTORIAL your characters are not maintaining auto-attack. In the actual game, however, registering an attack sequence will cause your character to continue to attack. In the tutorial it looks like each character will only take 1 swing / registered attack option.