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iPad Targeting?

NeumanniumNeumannium Member Posts: 1
edited December 2012 in iPad (Archive)
Is there a good way to target baddies on iPad? In the tutorial fight against the illusions, most of the characters just stand there. I click on them and then he monster, but nothing. Occasionally, they'll do hat I want, but not often enough.

Also, the one character has a staff of Flame Strike. I have it in her quick-slot, but when I touch it and try to target an enemy, nothing happens. Same with wand of magic-missiles.

Any help?


  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    AI Scrips overide all other commands on the IPad.

    That might be causing some problems, I couldn't even loot with my passive thief because they kept searching for traps while I had the loot window open.
  • themadcowthemadcow Member Posts: 19
    got the same problem. I try to auto att, nothing happens, yet mobs carry on attacking. Great
  • themadcowthemadcow Member Posts: 19
    anyone else got this problem?
  • AlarianAlarian Member Posts: 8
    I've noticed when you select your target, if your guy doesn't respond to you after you select the target, you didn't actually select them. I basically have to keep pressing until they say something (Usually 1 or two clicks works).
  • GullwindGullwind Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012
    The easiest way I can tell if I actually have an enemy targeted is by looking at the red circle under them (all on-screen enemies will have them). If it turns into a red target cursor, you've got them targeted correctly.

    However, if your issuing commands while paused, you'll have to unpause to see if your new target has changed. It would be a nice fix if they could allow this to happen while paused. It can be annoying to keep pausing and un-pausing just to see if you targeted something correctly.

    Also, zooming in tends to help some.

    Hope this helps...

  • Garrison64Garrison64 Member Posts: 72
    This is the only thing I have a problem with so far. When paused it is impossible to tell what I have targeted. The red circle doesn't change and often I haven't touched them properly so when I go back live my character doesn't attack like they should. I hope this is something that can be changed because I could see it becoming a major issue in tougher battles later on.
  • JustariusJustarius Member Posts: 43
    What works for me is actually selecting the attack command rather than clicking directly on the target. The attack button will get a red border when you select that disappears after you've successfully clicked on your target. Works while paused just fine.

    Clicking on objects is still a pain in the proverbial.
  • gaerrentgaerrent Member Posts: 14
    You grt a weapon or spell icon on your caracter portraits whet they have targeted something. At least the is some hint if your clicks have taken. But you don't see which enemy you are aiming at, I managed to aim at myself by misstake and couldn't tell untill magic missiles started flying, killing my main caracter.
  • ZandriZandri Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2012
    themadcow said:

    got the same problem. I try to auto att, nothing happens, yet mobs carry on attacking. Great

    Yes, I'm having this problem also. Soon as I turn Party AI OFF none of my party will attack despite being commanded to. No attempts are made, no dice rolls seen in the log window, they just stand there getting attacked.

  • EleutherosEleutheros Member Posts: 70
    edited December 2012
    I noticed that when I'm targeting during a pause I can look at the movement cursor. If it appears, I have failed to target my enemy, but if it's not there then my archer is about to get another kill ;)
    Post edited by Eleutheros on
  • jonnapierjonnapier Member Posts: 4
    Also having problems with targetting ... Esp when paused. There is no real feedback to let you know that you have successfully targeted something
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    I found that while paused some characters say they are going to move next to the target (even ranged) but when I unpause they go right ahead and attack.

    Go figure.
  • petrklapkapetrklapka Member Posts: 5
    Bump. Also suffering same issue. Even in Candlekeep group combat practice area. Feedback for PC selection and NPC targeting is so bad it makes me doubtful I will be able to play through the game. When in party combat, selecting main character, then tapping enemy causes main character to attack only once. After the initial attack they forget to attack and need to be commanded again and again. Sometimes the command works, 4/5 times it does nothing. Definitely need more feedback, especially when paused. I recommend this: select PC as currently done. Tap and hold NPC to set target. When target registers, display the existing throbbing target reticle animation bellow the target whether paused or not.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,450
    The group combat practice at Candlekeep seems to be completely broken. Otherwise, combat works fine, except of course it is very hard to tell when a target has been selected. Usually, if you are paused, you get no feedback if you have correctly selected your target, but a movement marker will show up if you did not. But I have had battles, especially if there's a lot of busyness like rats or bats on screen, where that (non) indicator doesn't even work.

    I have learned one tell that works when issuing commands to the whole group (going through doors, looting enemies); only a single target curser will show up when the action is successful. If you only managed to give a move command you will see the whole group's movement cursers. But if you targeted the doorway or treasure correctly (an action command other than move) you will see only the one curser.
  • PlasticGolemPlasticGolem Member Posts: 98
    Selecting things on the iPad version is tricky in general. I found combat targeting works best when you pause, click the weapon/spell icon so it turns red, and select the target. Watch for the weapons/spell icon in your character's portrait to indicate that they're actually going to do something. With wands, it's less clear that you're actually going to use the wand; you have to do a bit of hoping there.

    I keep AI on, using the default script for everyone. That seems to keep them attacking with weapons until their target is gone. I also set auto-pause for the "target unavailable" condition so that when an enemy is killed, the game pauses and I can give new orders to my characters rather than have them stand around.

    The UI is a little frustrating on the iPad, but if you take your time and play it as a turn-by-turn strategy game, it works OK. Clearly, though, it's the mouse and keyboard interface hacked to make it work in a touch screen environment rather than a re-imagined, designed for touch interface.
  • petrklapkapetrklapka Member Posts: 5
    The interface doesn't need to be completely changed to provide a bit better feedback for touch, just fine tuned a bit. Does anyone know if there are efforts or plans for efforts to do this? It wouldn't take much to make something meh into something great here.
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602
    edited December 2012
    When I target with pause on, be it with a wand or other weapon, I usually get a verbal response if successful, like "Yes, right away" or similar.
    Both audio and in the text box. Am I the only one getting that feedback?
  • JustariusJustarius Member Posts: 43
    Targeting is really the only low point to the iPad version. I hope they find a fix but how much they can customise I don't know. Personally I'd like to see holding your finger cause the system to check for loot/doors/enemies/NPCs near and throw up an appropriate dialogue box. "Do you want to loot bandit?" Yes, yes for the love of god; gimme his damn loot!
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    TrentOster posted on Twitter today: "We are working on the clicking/touch sizing right now."

    Sounds good to me! ;)
  • EvinfuiltEvinfuilt Member Posts: 505

    TrentOster posted on Twitter today: "We are working on the clicking/touch sizing right now."

    Sounds good to me! ;)

    Excellent to hear. though I prefer something more along @Justarius posits. Maybe a switch button you can click which keeps highlight on and you can only click on a highlights (person, item) and not move at all.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641

    The interface doesn't need to be completely changed to provide a bit better feedback for touch, just fine tuned a bit. Does anyone know if there are efforts or plans for efforts to do this? It wouldn't take much to make something meh into something great here.

    Check the last post by Trent. He's stated they're working on a "smart targeting" system which is in testing right now.

    Re: Attack and Stop. I'm filing this as a bug. It looks like ONLY DURING THE TUTORIAL your characters are not maintaining auto-attack. In the actual game, however, registering an attack sequence will cause your character to continue to attack. In the tutorial it looks like each character will only take 1 swing / registered attack option.
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