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Saving/Loading shortly after quest ends or movie sequences

MoaanMoaan Member Posts: 17
edited November 2013 in Not An Issue
Loading games which were saves shortly after movie sequences or quest ends (I suspect that the problem only exists if you haven't done anything between the end of the sequence or quest) makes the quest work again (had this problem with the Mellicamp chicken quest: I brought the quest to an end by giving a skull to Thalantyr, saved after I spoke to Thalantyr for the reward, reloaded and was asked to bring him a skull once again), and when entering Nashkel for the first time (I saved after the movie sequence, reloaded, and the movie sequence played again).
I'm kind of ambivalent about the movie sequence, but the quest thing is kind of annoying and could possibly be abused. I would expect that once the quest is finished, it could not be started/finished again.
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