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Main character doesn't regain spells after resting!

cedessecedesse Member Posts: 18
edited November 2013 in Not An Issue
My main character (a multi-class fighter mage) is gaining XP considerably slower than his NPC companions. For instance, Jaheira (fighter druid) now has 1965 XP whereas he only has 358 XP.

But the main problem isn't this incredibly slow level progression. It's the fact that he is unable to regain the spell(s) he has cast - even after resting! He hasn't been level drained, and he's not hit by any negative effect. He is set to memorize his spells as he is supposed to, and all other spellcasters in the party do not have this problem.

I have searched the forum for other users with the same problem, but I haven't found any.

So if any of you can tell whether this is indeed a game bug (yet another one!), or if I have simply forgot about something, please reply. Thank you in advance.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Jaheira starts with more XP, so that's normal.
    If you are interrupted in rest, you won't get spells.
  • cedessecedesse Member Posts: 18
    I don't get interrupted during rest, and I have also rested in taverns. My main character just don't recharge/regain any spells after resting. All the other party members do.

    ... Is it a bug? Sounds like it to me.
  • cedessecedesse Member Posts: 18
    I just created a new character. He regains his spells after resting. In other words: ANOTHER bug!

    This is just another ridiculous bug that suggests that I would be much better off if I simply installed my old original BG games. I have already fought at least 30 or 40 battles with this character in BGEE and solved numerous minor quests.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Upload your saved game somewhere, it is impossible to reproduce this problem without that.
    Others didn't report this, obviously it is some rare case.
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