
Hey guys,
I started to play BG on iPad (4th gen) two minutes ago.
During character, creation for the tutorial I wondered about all those skills and abilitites and so on.
Is there a game manual to download or inside the app or sth. else?
I have not played BG yet, so as kinda noob I really appreciate some help.
Don't want to choose just 'somerhing'. Furthermore I want to understand the game mechanics.
Thanks in advance,
I started to play BG on iPad (4th gen) two minutes ago.
During character, creation for the tutorial I wondered about all those skills and abilitites and so on.
Is there a game manual to download or inside the app or sth. else?
I have not played BG yet, so as kinda noob I really appreciate some help.
Don't want to choose just 'somerhing'. Furthermore I want to understand the game mechanics.
Thanks in advance,
If you want to min/max your character and/or create an "optimal" character you're better off reading the rules. If you already have some understanding of the system and/or don't really care, you can probably get by without it. If I remember correctly the game was pretty intuitive.
Take a look at some of the other threads, however, there are some "challenges" with the game at this point with regards to finding transition points between levels.
Yes, I'm joking. The manual is quite verbose and I have a tendency to forget things, so are there specific sections I should focus on, at least initially?
The manual will be useful for rolling ability scores; there's a couple tables at the back of the second manual that describes most of the effects that each ability has based on its value.
Other than that, it's mainly there to add some flavor to the world, so read it at your leisure.
To really answer you, you probably don't need to read any of the manual if you don't want to. There's not much in it that is required reading to play. The tutorial will take you through pretty much what you need. If you already know what the ability scores do, you're probably GTG.
My internet connection is so slow I could probably read the whole thing cover-to-cover while the game downloads anyway. :-)
I played Baldur's Gate 2 ages ago, but never the first BG.
That's not a good business strategy, there's gonna be a lot of people needing the manual and not knowing it even exists...