Favourite non-teammate voice quotes?

So what are your favourite voiced quotes of non-joinable NPCs?
The one that cracks me up each time, is some random nobleman:
"Awaayy with you, beggar!"
I wish it had full voice set for my charname xD
Anyone up for making 10 hour version on youtube, saying "away with you, beggar!"? :P
The one that cracks me up each time, is some random nobleman:
"Awaayy with you, beggar!"
I wish it had full voice set for my charname xD
Anyone up for making 10 hour version on youtube, saying "away with you, beggar!"? :P
Still have absolutely no idea what it means.
Either that, or she threw a cactus at his face.
I think @belgarathmth 's answer makes a bit more sense
- "These walls contain the world's knowledge!"
- "(Sigh). I should have joined the army."
- "Yawn." (guardsmen all around the game)
- "Spare no one!"
- "Forward march!"
_ "Oohoohoohuhuhughargh" (best I can transliterate the hobgoblin death sound)
-"Get me out of this hellhole!"
-"(cough) I think I'm coughing up blood!"
-"(sigh) I'm sooooo tired!"
-"Would ye like to play with me ditties?" (And I totally thought she said something else, and my eyes widened, and my jaw dropped.)
-"Yip! Yip! Bark! Bark! Grrrrrrrraigh!" (kobold attack yell)
"By Moridins Hammer."
Most of the dwarfs have great comments and voices to match, I'd love a full voice pack for them.
"How long must we WAIT here?"
"I hate dem flamin fist panzys"
Also, the entire Hobgoblin soundset. Priceless.
"*cough!* M-my lung! It's flopping all over the dirt! Damn."
...Also, Gellana's line, can't remember it exactly, but her voice is just so adorable. Something about Garl Glittergold.
it usually gives me a headache....can anyone explain?
btw, not npc quotes, but my two new favor are from the pc voice sets.
one is female 5, i think "are we loitering, are you loiterers now"? (cracked me up the first time i heard it)
and male 6, "trust me, you don't want my hands idle" *cue evil laugh*
Well the...ahem...individuals who say it, aren't exactly all that bright. But basically I am p. sure it means that if you mess with them then they are going to KICK YOUR FREAKING ASS, so you're really messing with yourself. Because you are the one that gets hurt and shit?
heh, okay, i always thought it was a bug/typo (a fully voiced one, but it's happened before). TY though, that quote has bugged me ever since BG1 came out. :P
"Easy as goblin pie." At least that's how some folks perceive it. That's also how the subtitles present it.
I always wonder it was meant to be "Easy as gobblin' pie."
Has to be the worst bit of voice acting in the game