Can't keep Kagain from quitting =(

This is my first time with Kagain in the party, and I'm pretty reliant on him as a tank. As I understand it, his "quest" doesn't really exist, as he gives up on it once you enter the zone that it takes place in. I did that almost immediately, and got the dialogue where he gives up on finding the caravan and tells me to do whatever I want.
A few game-days later, he started complaining that we weren't helping him find his caravan. I ignored this, since we already had. However, now, if I sleep or move areas, he immediately quits the party.
I really don't want to lose Kagain. I'm not well-versed in manipulating the game. Is there a workaround I might use with the console or Shadowkeeper? I appreciate any help.
A few game-days later, he started complaining that we weren't helping him find his caravan. I ignored this, since we already had. However, now, if I sleep or move areas, he immediately quits the party.
I really don't want to lose Kagain. I'm not well-versed in manipulating the game. Is there a workaround I might use with the console or Shadowkeeper? I appreciate any help.
I'm trying to get to his quest point again, but I'm currently in the gnoll stronghold. Traveling to the area north of Beregost always gets me waylaid, and whenever I get waylaid Kagain leaves immediately.
Edit: Hah! Eleventh-ish time is the charm! Just managed to get all the way to the quest point without being waylaid, and Kagain said his quest completion line again. Looks like I'm good to go.
Thanks anyway, guys.