Bug with the Entangle Spell and some little other things

1. Thx for bringing BG on the iPad. I've waited a long time of this.
But I've found some problems.
1. the Entangle Spell: If I youse the spell the game becomes very slooooowly.
2. It's very difficult if you have zoomed out (because the resolution is not so pretty) to pick up some items or atack enemys with an archer. Imoen died sometimes because she walked just to them.
Thank you for recognize and for the game!
Best regards
But I've found some problems.
1. the Entangle Spell: If I youse the spell the game becomes very slooooowly.
2. It's very difficult if you have zoomed out (because the resolution is not so pretty) to pick up some items or atack enemys with an archer. Imoen died sometimes because she walked just to them.
Thank you for recognize and for the game!
Best regards
It's not JUST the entangle spell, btw, it seems any lasting AOE spell will cause a large slowdown in the iPad code (and from what others have said this is likely a problem with the original game too). Thankfully it's not a crash bug and it doesn't cause lasting problems (Once the AOE Effect duration goes away the game picks right back up).
Hopefully we'll see a fix for this at some point in the near future, but keep in mind that our game works, the windows game still doesn't and the Mac and Android games aren't even out to market yet, so I would expect we'll need a little patience before we start seeing issues like this get fixed.
From a tap/target perspective it's one of the more noted (I hesitate to say "complained about" because there aren't many real complaints coming out and it's more of an annoyance than a problem) "issues" with the current game...there's just VERY LITTLE feedback within the game for interaction with game elements.
When clicking on an object I'm used to the lighting of that object changing, having a different cursor, or something or another showing me that that object is going to be interacted with / is being interacted with...that's just not in this game. It wasn't in the base game and I don't believe any additional functionality of this nature has been added here.
Again, I hope we'll get some better interactivity feedback in future releases (highlighting an object that's been targeted or being interacted with, highlighting an ememy that's been targeted, etc.) but for now this is a well known and well noted issue.