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[BUG] Found item bugs, marked items for deletion.

WierzbaWierzba Member Posts: 7
edited January 2013 in Not An Issue
Item "Two handed Sword +1" (itemcode : SKELWASU)
seems to use "Longsword" proficiency,
should use "Twohandedsword" proficiency.

Item "Short Sword +1" (itemcodes : ARROPHEO, BOWPHEO)
has all data of "Short Sword +1", but has ItemType "Bow" and PaperdollID "BW-Bow"
probably unused item, mark for deletion?

Item of itemcode: MISC99
has all data of spear "Backbiter", except it is named "Plate Mail", has ItemType "Armor" and its icon is of a belt.
mark for deletion

Items of itemcodes: AX1H17, AX1H18
missing description (not sure if used anywhere)

There is also a case of numerous duplicated items, such as:
Knave's Robe (CLCK12, CLCK18)
Plate Mail (PLAT01, PLAT07, PLAT98, PLAT99
Protector of the Second +2 (TTLEAT, LEAT03)
Robe of the Good Archimagi (HGWRA02, CLCK15,CLCK19)
Quarterstaff (STAF01, STAF03, STAF04, HGWRA01)
and so on (lot of entries, at about four dozens)

is there any reason for such copies? (original game also had those, some of them were also unmovable)
if not, mark for deletion, causes unnecessary discord in item list.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    TTLEAT is a special tutorial version of the armor that cannot be sold (or exported, after patching).
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    Some duplicates are undroppable versions used by enemies, and some are undroppable and have extra secret hidden powers. And some might just be leftovers from BG2/ToB that just don't work right.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Removing these could cause some obscure bug that no one reports, but annoys them or outright crashes. Leaving then in... no one complains, much.

    In beta we marked various resources that are subject of removal, but for safety reasons they remained.
  • WierzbaWierzba Member Posts: 7
    Well, the only ones that could complain about this are those who assign items to characters through various editors or scripts. So yes, not an issue, really (just being a purist).

    Nevertheless, it would be nice for future projects (BG3? : ) to implement something such as "undroppable" item flag in NWN.
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