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Bug report: Bottomless bag policy in BG:EE!

TemplarTemplar Member Posts: 21
edited December 2012 in Not An Issue
Not sure if this has been reported already, but it seems there is no bottom in the gem bag or the potion case we get in the game!

I have counted 91 potions in my potion case, if the cap is 100, I guess I am the fool. Every potion I have aquired has gone into the potion bag so far. I have used a few, but not sold anyone.
I currently have 48 gems in my gem bag - I have sold tons though, so there could be a limit I would have reached, if I had kept them all though.

In any case, the limit seems way to high in comparison to what one could have in BG2.

To formalize:
Problem: Potion Case and Gem Bag never gets filled up.
Solution: Potion Case and Gem Bag should have a reasonable limit.
Post edited by Avenger_teambg on


  • paladin235paladin235 Member Posts: 13
    Actually I think that is an awesome feature! You really get your golds worth out of the items :-)
  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    edited December 2012
    They both fill up. They are not bottomless. They hold 100 each.

    As for getting your golds worth out of the gem bag, you get it for free when you get Neera :P
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    edited December 2012
    Interestingly enough, these are coming from ToB. If ToB raised the limits compared to BG2, happy happy, joy joy.

    Limit 100 confirmed. Not a bug.
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