Help me remember where this guy is?

I remember in Baldur's Gate city there is a paladin in one of the taverns who likes to go all homicidal on your party if you have any evil people in your group. My party's rep is getting too high for evil companions, so I want to find this guy so Dorn can take pleasure in chunking this fanatic and get my rep balanced out at the same time. I can't remember where to go though, anyone got a map?
Nice idea btw.
So you don't spoil anything for yourself (hopefully) its number 5 on this map.
Found him, thanks for the help. He does make a pretty good rep dump now. I would never kill this pompous ass in vanilla because he would aggro the whole bar, but they have fixed that now. Went from 18 to a comfy 9 rep and got some platemail and a spear+1 to sell.