Fighter / Mage / Cleric most underused Multiclass!

I gotta have to say its a pain to level up 3 classes at once but it worth it if you can do it and i would say its pretty powerful in the long run when BG2 EE comes out, and its very under used as most would go for F/M/T more often.
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I get frustrated enough waiting for a 2-class multi char to level up - I can't imagine what waiting for a 3-class one would feel like.
Fighter/mage/cleric is nice as you can use mage or cleric armor spells, cleric summoned weapons, but still have decent HP, THAC0, and proficiencies from the fighter.
Compared to an M/T, with an F/M/T you're sacrificing level 9 spells ever, and typically the top 2 spell levels at each cap before the ToB one. In return, you're significantly better in combat (, wider weapon selection, more attacks per round, healthier blah blah blah everyone should know how good FMTs are I've said it about five times already.
Compared to an M/C, a F/M/C sacrifices level 9 spells for.... Well, the ability to specialise in your limitted weapon selection and more attacks per round. A cleric has the second best THAC0 progression, so you're looking at sacrificing spells and spell power, which 2/3 of the classes you have give, and now give fewer of, for the ability to spend time not casting spells, for up to 1 1/2 attacks per round and a -4 better THAC0. A -4 bonus to hit is peanuts by ToB.
The F/M/T also picks up three more HLAs from a better HLA pool.
Whilst F/M/C isn't *terrible*, you're just not gaining as much for your sacrifice as an F/M/T is.
I know I did this, they musta changed it cuz I remember correctly even though it was 11 years ago.
I remember he was Leofric, an all blue elf, cleric/ranger who used bow. This is fact, no noob is gunna tell me otherwise.
Anyway, back on topic, a FMC is very difficult to build. Basically you need high STR, CON, INT and WIS. Not to mention high DEX if you plan on using robes or giving him/her a ranged weapon. In the end the character is going to be jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.
I'm really not a fan of Mage/Clerics either. I acknowledge that they have quite alot of spells to use but there's something about mixing wizard and divine spells that feels wrong to me.
My preferred multiclasses are Ranger/Cleric and Cleric/Thief because they feel like unique classes almost like a Shaman and Support Monk. F/M/Cs are like one giant kitchen sink.
You don't need high CON, 13 + tome + DoHM is fine.
You don't need super INT, 15 + tome will cover your needs.
You should have high WIS, but in BG1 I reckon 14 + 3 tomes is enough.
FMT on the other hand is a bit like bard. Fills the thief slots, is a decent archer and can cast some buffs in between shooting.
You might be thinking of a pure ranger (Archer spec), i had an elven Archer myself as well and it was and is still my fav toon ever for exactly the reason mentioned...try and cast a spell try i dare you!
+5 arrows and whirlwind ftw!
In fact i believe the only ranger kit that CAN duel-class is the beast master kit from memory? correct me if I'm wrong.
The F/M/T is a little easier because you get all that trap/lock xp a part cleric has to give up.
9th level spells are pointless, hell, everything above 6th is just icing on the cake.
A cleric/mage NEEDs their high level spells because they're only barely better then a single class cleric, just a few for defenses and time stop. Or a single class mage with better thac0 and weapon choices, with some extra buffs.
A F/C/M Does not, because they're functionally a F/C with mage spells up to 8th level, aka, 80% Damage reduction (DoEH+Hardiness+AoF) when dual-wielding FoA/DoEH, while getting a respectable 8 attacks under improved haste. They also have also get full strength DUHM (19+ base str will hit 25), they have stoneskins, mirror images, improved invisibilities, spirit armors, PfMW, Mord swords, skeleton warriors, DEVAS to soak damage, spells, heal, or provide a distraction. They can cast regenerate which combined with the 80% reduction makes them pretty much immune to melee damage. Anything part mage WILL be wearing the robe of Vecna in the sequel, so the armor comments are moot, and the AC 3 bracers are only useful until you get the gauntlets of extraordinary specialization.
If you have a natural 19 str, you could wear the belt of inertial barrier for 105% missile resistance and 70& reduced magic damage, in addition to some extra save bonuses.
I can attest, as someone who's played the original since it came out, that without mods or editing a dual'd R/C can NEVER use bows. They get only spiked (morning stars), blunt (maces, hammers, quarterstaff, clubs), and missile (sling) only. Any points you put in bows while a ranger stay there, but you're unable to equip any bows.
Once third level cleric spells became available it was pretty much game over. Multiple ghasts being led around by an invisible Charname or familiar = no risk death to all enemies, especially with a cloudkill or two laid over the top of them.
I have solo'd several times previously with F/M/T with BGT but I agree that the F/M/C is very underused because this class rocks so much more than I would have thought from having just played M/C's, F/C's and C's in the past.