Do you commit genocide on a scale worthy of Bhaal at the end of the game?

Whenever I play evil, I cleans the realms right before I head to the undercity. It gets a bit pale after the 300th Flaming Fist corpse, but someone's gotta do the dirty jobs.

- Do you commit genocide on a scale worthy of Bhaal at the end of the game?99 votes
- Aye, I bathe in the blood of Baldur's gate, Beregost, Nashkel, Friendly Arm and civilians everywhere! That hack Sarevok has nothing on me.23.23%
- Nay, I save my bloodlust out on Sarevok!76.77%
Maybe because I never played a character who would think that this was worth the time and effort.
That, and directing my anti-paladins on their cleanse crusades.
I have another multiple playthrough game in BG2. One time I imported my BG2 PC (Evice), into Tutu and re-created Viconia and Sendai with Shadowkeeper and added them to his party. My intent in doing so was to role play that I had chosen to become a god in TOB and that I had returned to the Sword of Coast to exact a terrible vengeance for the people of Beregost abusing Viconia (as is mentioned in the romance). I killed every man, woman, child, and animal in Beregost, turned Noober to stone, cast imprisonment on anyone who I thought deserved it, and killed hundreds of Flaming Fist enforcers. Having the Aslyferund armor from BG2 made the Flaming Fist particularly ineffective, since they only have normal weapons.
In my current game, I'm playing with Sendai as my PC. She has a group of five BG1 NPCs whom she has to protect against hostile Flaming Fist enforcers. She uses Energy Blades, Insect Plague, Summon Fallen Deva, and Creeping Doom very effectively against the Flaming Fist. Ironically, according to her game statistics, Skie has currently only killed 11 creatures and the most powerful opponent she killed was a commoner. This is in stark contrast to Sendai's 1,564 kills, many of whom worked for the Flaming Fist.
Please tell me that there are nonviolent options for every facet of the game. Otherwise my hardcore insane difficulty no reloads pacifist playthrough is surely doomed, and I will be losing a very costly bet.
1) The out-of-game reason is that killing everyone is tedious work. You can only fireball so many peasants before it gets dull and repetitious.
2) The in-game reason is that, even for a Chaotic Evil charname, killing everyone seems more an example of Stupid Evil than Chaotic Evil. Stupid Evil behavior in CRPGs annoys me.
I suppose you could use a thief to sneak past enemies without attacking them or use the Haste spell to run past them really fast. Or if your bet doesn't specify that you can't do it, you could import a character into BG1 from BG2 wearing the Aslyferund armor which gives your character "complete immunity to all normal weapons" so that most people in BG1 won't be able to damage you.