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BG2 Tweak Pack works on Enhanced Edition :)

ArrowBringerArrowBringer Member Posts: 4
edited December 2012 in General Modding

""""" This mod works on normal Baldur's Gate II games as well as BG1Tutu (Tutu), Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT), and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (BGEE). """"

it just keep getting better and better :)


  • SeveronSeveron Member Posts: 214
    edited December 2012
  • PorcelynPorcelyn Member Posts: 65
    edited December 2012
    I get an sql error page when I click to download the windows version.

    Edit: Tried it again at a later time and it's fixed.
    Post edited by Porcelyn on
  • GTXMANGTXMAN Member Posts: 5
    Can Someone Upload the file? The site is down :[
  • ArrowBringerArrowBringer Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    Only have the version 10 ...

    enjoy ..
    Post edited by ArrowBringer on
  • GTXMANGTXMAN Member Posts: 5
    Thank you mate ;]
  • MikaalMikaal Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2012
    Sorry, I removed the link.
    Post edited by Mikaal on
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,438
    edited December 2012
    There's an emergency mirror already linked elsewhere. Please don't post my stuff to random sites; it's literally the only thing I ask for.
  • ArrowBringerArrowBringer Member Posts: 4
    Apologizes , will not happen again !
  • GeestkrakerGeestkraker Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013
    Sorry! I did find a solution to this by reading through the threads.

    I will let the text stay here, if someone else was to try and find a solution to such a problem. Cheers!

    Old post:

    I get this error, and I had to transcribe it all manually:
    "Install Component [Weapon Styles for All]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit? i

    Installing [Weapon Styles for All] [v11]
    Copying 1 file ...
    ERROR: COPY ~sw1h01.itm~ ~override/cdt02060.g3~ FAILED: cannot open target
    Stopping installation because of error.


    And then I return to:
    "Install Component [Weapon Styles for All]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?"

    This happens for all of them, including those that are supposed to work with BGEE - even according to BG2 Tweak Pack.

    I unchecked the read-only condition for all files and folders in the BGEE folder, i.e. BeamDog/Games/00766.

    And yes I moved all the files to that folder.
    Can anyone help me with this?


    Post edited by Geestkraker on
  • zenblackzenblack Member Posts: 100
    I found a bug with v11 BGTweaks and the Khalid (Fighter/Mage) component
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