Paladin attributes feedback

Someone said in this topic that there will be alot of STR items to find plus the Wizard spell that temporarily maxes my STR to 18, so I rolled a Paladin with following attributes because I wasn't looking for a hardcore build and I'm tired of picking the most optimal mainstream builds:
STR: 14
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 11
WIS: 13
CHA: 18
Bastard Sword ++
Long Sword +
Sword & Shield Style +
My intention was making a charismatic leader which can take alot of hits, but now I keep regretting that I didn't take higher STR. What do you think? Should I have picked more STR?
Someone said in this topic that there will be alot of STR items to find plus the Wizard spell that temporarily maxes my STR to 18, so I rolled a Paladin with following attributes because I wasn't looking for a hardcore build and I'm tired of picking the most optimal mainstream builds:
STR: 14
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 11
WIS: 13
CHA: 18
Bastard Sword ++
Long Sword +
Sword & Shield Style +
My intention was making a charismatic leader which can take alot of hits, but now I keep regretting that I didn't take higher STR. What do you think? Should I have picked more STR?
Personnaliy, I'd rather try to max my physical attributes, since my demise means end of the game.
If you're having problem with your rolls, you can try to keep 17 in charsma (that will be boosted to 18 with the book).
Concerning strength, there are gloves to boost it mid-end game (only).
On the other side, dexterity gloves can be obtained very early.
You can try to boost your strength and use thee gloves to fix the weakness of your character (if you do not want to max physical stats).
EDIT : concerninh the weapons you plan to use, magical bastard sword are very uncommun (though they are VERY useful for a few hard fights).
It can be a better choice to boost long swords first.
Sword & Shield style is not very useful, since you might give the best items to your PC and it is very unlikely that he'll be shot by arrows.
Either pick Axes or Scimitar (there are good ones, and even stronger ones if you are ready to steal them ;-) )