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Dualing fighter/mage, when making the switch?

I have no idea, where the level/xp cap is having played the game for the last time nearly 15 years ago. So what would be the best level to switch from fight to mage?


  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I dual at 5, that way it doesn't take too long to get your fighter levels back, and you still have great THAC0 and HP.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    At level 5 you can still get to level 9 mage with the XP cap still on...
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Don't do plain fighter though.... Choose kensai... who's disadvantage (can't wear armor) doesn't really matter for a mage... and it will give you better AC for your mage when you get your Kensai abilities back..

    Might be a little tough at the beginning, though.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    If you are going for dual-classed fighter to anything, best dual at level5.
    As Elendar is saying - take a Kensai kit of fighter. Get the shield amulet from Nashkell Carnival and some good weapons and hack away. 5th level will come really fast.
    ...if you plan to use this character in BG2EE too, choose katanas. Hard to get them in BG1, but there is a katana specially made for fighter/mages in BG2 (gives you extra spells and stuff).
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    If you plan for just BGEE, you could focus on scimitars... there are two Rashad Talon + 2s in the game (though one comes very late, in Durlag's Tower... the other sitting on the ground in Cloakwood and if you miss it or rest in the area before picking it up, probably will disappear).

    But, the scimitar proficiency includes the Ninjato and some other one as well so it shouldn't be too difficult to find weapons. Plus, if you manage to murder Drizzt, his scimitars are the best weapons in the game.
  • ElvisElvis Member Posts: 3
    Thanks a lot guys. And yes, I will start with Kensai, already figured that out.
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